George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Thank you all for playing, ladies :)

I'll make it short and sweet, since I'm not feeling well and will go to bed in a few minutes.

I loved the pics :adore:

The runners up:

lovely :adore:
Mom full mouth profile :lol:
Jacquie cute :luvlove:
love this scene :)

and so the winner is blackflag with this beauty :adore: His hair looks so soft here and not to mention his handsome face :adore:

Enjoy your Nick time, blackflag :devil:
So, I'm about to get off the computer and who starts knockin on the door. He tells me I can't get off until I give the new theme.

Thanks NickyFan. :)

New theme.....

I think I'll go nice and easy on ya all. I want Nick and only Nick in jackets. Up to 12 in 24 hours or so. :) Happy hunting.

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