George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Oh...and I love your new banner, Raynn! Very cool! :)

I'll add my
in on that as well. Nicccceeee :)

my second set of pics

My time with Nick has come to an end. :(

Your runners up:
Raynn - backwards ballcap and confuzzled Nicky, what a combo! :lol:
Jacquie - I commend you for the imagination. :thumbsup:
Smokey - :drool: butt shot! :thumbsup:
Raynn :drool: excuse me while I daydream. :lol:
Princess - oh so close. :adore:


Jacquie - now I'm really daydreamming. :lol: The sunnies. :luvlove: The nice crisp white open Nick. :luvlove: Just a little tilt to the head. :luvlove: What more could a person want? It's perfect - he's perfect! :adore: :adore: :adore: And Jacquie, as long as he's leading it you can send a search party out for me any time! :angel: Have fun with Nick. I know I did! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Jacquie - I commend you for the imagination. :thumbsup:

Thank you :drool:


Jacquie - now I'm really daydreamming. :lol: The sunnies. :luvlove: The nice crisp white open Nick. :luvlove: Just a little tilt to the head. :luvlove: What more could a person want? It's perfect - he's perfect! :adore: :adore: :adore: And Jacquie, as long as he's leading it you can send a search party out for me any time! :angel: Have fun with Nick. I know I did! :devil: :devil: :devil:

And as it what more could you want?? The real thing :)

And again Thank you cause a very nice looking Texan just show up at my door. I let Nick in quickly as it's a hot one here today and that's not counting how hot it'll be later tonight :devil:

So new theme :) Lets make it easy for everyone this Hot Steamy Monday. Open Nick please and you know me the more open the better :devil: :drool: and you know the usual 12 in 24 hours :) Now I need to go help my guest get himself refreshed after his trip :devil:
Congrats on your win, Jacquie :)

Sorry for not playing the past two themes... I broke my leg (my shin to be correct) at soccer on Saturday and there was no time playing for me... I had to sit 4 hours in the emergency before I got to see a doctor and 3 more hours to get the cast finally :rolleyes:

Now I'm lying around the whole day because my pain killers make me droopy... if they would do what they're supposed to do I would be okay :shifty:

Anyway... playing the game will take off my mind of the pain :)

First set:

Open Nick #1
Open Nick #2
Open Nick #3
Open Nick #4
Open Nick #5
Open Nick #6

Raynn said:

Aww, I love this pic :adore: Great cap there, Raynn :)
Sorry for not playing the past two themes... I broke my leg (my shin to be correct) at soccer on Saturday and there was no time playing for me... I had to sit 4 hours in the emergency before I got to see a doctor and 3 more hours to get the cast finally

Now I'm lying around the whole day because my pain killers make me droopy... if they would do what they're supposed to do I would be okay

OUCH!!! :eek: :censored:

Take 2 Nicks with those pain killers. Guaranteed to make you feel better. :thumbsup:

Open Nick set #2:
open Nick #7
open Nick #8
open Nick #9
open Nick #10
open Nick #11
open Nick #12

Good Morning y'all :devil:

NickyFan all I can say is what a bummer :( Hopefully when you start you new job in September it'll take your mind off things. I'll add my take a couple of Nicks, Georges, Adams, Gus, Shorty, and Evel and hopefully you'll start feeling better soon :)
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