George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Great pocket pics, everyone! :) I hate to send poor Nick out in this awful heat, but maybe he'll find some cool lovin' at the next Ward girl's house. :D

Runners up this round...

Raynn - Seriously...those eyes! :adore:
Blackflag - Soooooo sexy! :D
Jacquie - God, I love the way that shirt hangs on him! :drool:

Looks like Nick will be heading east tonight to visit Princess for this shot where he is "presenting" just beautifully and fills those pants out soooooo well!! :devil: Congratulations!
Thanks Smokey for the special delivery. I'm not sure of our plans tomorrow but for tonight......some alone time. ;)

So while we're....alone.......I'd like at least 12 of your best Open Nick in 24 hours or so.

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