George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #34

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I'm here! I'm here!! This is my first chance to get online since yesterday this time!

The U2 concert (both nights ;) ) was absolutely marvelous and I had such an amazing time and met so many awesome people!

NickyFan, welcome back! I took loads of pictures for you ;P

I'm still kinda buzzin' so you can imagine my surprise when someone emailed me to say 'hey when are you posting the new Theme?'! I was :eek: and I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting!

Thank you so much gcw for the gift :D I love it! I'm sorry you are having such a hard time of late. But really glad you found a place where you can relax and enjoy yourself and take your mind off your trouble! Thanks for all the yummy pics you've found!

So I thought I'd go where inspiration takes me so your theme is

U Too George?

:D Post your pics (up to 12 in 24) of George/Nick/Evel/OC and caption them with a U2 Song, Lyric, Quote or any other U2 related thing you can think of.​

If you don't know any song lyrics you can just google them and you'll find them no problem.​

Enjoy! And again I'm really sorry I haven't been online for so long! Man, I coulda had a date for the concert!​
I'm loving what you guys are coming up with! Awesome!!

I'm going to be late handing Nick over, as I claimed him during my lunch break at work and today I'll be working through my lunch to meet a deadline. If I can get online at all I will, otherwise I will pass Nick over as soon as I get home from work. I'm really really sorry guys and I don't want to make a habit of being late all the time!!
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