George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #34

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I'm loving what you guys are coming up with! Awesome!!

I'm going to be late handing Nick over, as I claimed him during my lunch break at work and today I'll be working through my lunch to meet a deadline. If I can get online at all I will, otherwise I will pass Nick over as soon as I get home from work. I'm really really sorry guys and I don't want to make a habit of being late all the time!!

Don't worry E. I think we all understand :) At least you'll have good company at work today :D

The most of you will maybe still be in bed but I want to wish you all a Good Morning anyway :D I hope you have all a great day :)
Thanks everyone for being patient. 7 players so because this is a winning post I can post all the pics I choose.

I love how you played my theme :D

blackflag One is one of my favourite songs and really suits the cap
Goldencougarwolf Walk On, one of my favourite songs for those emotional moments.
Princess Sunday Bloody Sunday is a heartbreaking song as is the cap. Beautiful!
Jacquie Some Days Are Better Than Others :( Perfect song for the cap
Bookgirl I love the cap and the song, one of the few with Edge as lead vocals, is a fave of mine!
Smokey I knew you'd play Achtung Baby and you knew I'd pick it too!

My heart stopped and I nearly melted with Nickyfan's Magnificent, because both the cap and the song ARE Magnificent! And what better 'welcome back' present than sending Nick your way eh? So enjoy :D Maybe you can play him all the U2 songs that he missed out on since I didn't know he could have been with me at the concert ;)
NO!!! That didn't happen!!! My gosh!!! I should have at least washed the dishes... but heck, he can help me now with cleaning my messy flat :D

THANK YOU for sending Nick my way E.

All the things we can do...
We can clean while listen to all my U2 songs
and Juri can steal someone elses socks

Awww this is just great :D Now I'm in an even better mood :)

So before I forget myself, I need to give you guys a theme... well, during capping a few episodes the past days I sometimes stopped the episode on places I didn't want it to stop and Nick looked so damn goofy sometimes... How about that... you all post pictures of George/Nick and so on with a goofy face :)

That should be a funny theme :D

So now I really need to go and help the guy getting rid of the cuddly cat...

Oh I nearly forgot, a maximum of 12 pics in 24 hours, right??? ;)

Happy hunting :D
Anybody else having photobucket asking them if you're sure you "want to navigate away from this page" practically every time you click to go to another page? :confused: It's damn annoying!

Second set of theme pics:

now I can't count past 9! :alienblush:

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Cheater!!!! Again with the cheating!!!!!

*sigh* Let's see what else I can find.... :lol: Congrats, NickyFan!!

Hey you did good! I could only find four so you're already two up on me! Now enough with the face cheeks hurt :lol:

Here, E. If you want retaliate.

speedy I like you Gibbs head slapping smilie :lol:

blackflag I've had no problems with pb :)

my second set of hopefully goofy faces

with little stoker I know it's a little dark :D
how about crossed eyes making Evel look goofy
Shorty's goofy face about the pancakes
a goofy smile
and another goofy Evel

I hope these are all goofy enough for you NickyFan :)
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