George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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Popping in to give Yoshi a a chance to post again

Keeping it legal
Sorry I'm late ladies! Especially after you all did such a spectacular job indulging me by trying a new theme :D

10 players! Holy cow.

Honorable mentions go to Princess's closely cropped smile and lines, Myfuturecsi's naturally lined Toe Tags shot, FallenforFlack's subtle expression from a reclining Nick and blackflag's credits shot-Thank you for reminding me who I was looking at I was so drunk on lines I think I forgot :)

Runners up:
Speedy Lovely with a raised brow even on a baby face
Jacquie A big grin or
Audrey2419 or a little smirk
Yoshi Or just au natural
Stokes4me I don't usually like a sad Nicky, but the lines here make me very very happy :D

The winner was going to be Smokey with this beautiful black and white picture but then I realized that would be unethical since she obviously tweaked it :D Luckily she posted this line laden loveliness to compensate, so she still gets Nick
Besides I'm totally stealing her name for this theme "Sexy Lines" :thumbsup: so she deserves props for that
The winner was going to be Smokey with this beautiful black and white picture but then I realized that would be unethical since she obviously tweaked it :D Luckily she posted this line laden loveliness to compensate, so she still gets Nick
Besides I'm totally stealing her name for this theme "Sexy Lines" :thumbsup: so she deserves props for that

Tweaked?! Tweaked?! :lol: Well by golly, there's going to be more than tweaking going on tonight! :D Saturday night Nick...oh yeah! Thanks, Bookgirl!

Well, since we're going to be staying in and staying warm today and tonight, how about some pics of Nick outdoors? 12 in...ohhhh, 29 hours or so....that's right....we're sleeping in. :p
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