George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#30

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Good morning y'all :) and so far it's good because the snow hasn't started yet. We're expecting another 10-15cm today and another dumping next week. Well at least it will stop people from grumbling about not having a white Christmas.

Some random pics to soothe the soul :)

could you imagine the fun watching those arms shovel snow forget about helping, I'd be too busy :drool:
wondering what it may be like to have a day filled with shoveling snow
no time for baseball today Nick
seeing if he got anymore Christmas cards
another drool and thud worthy pic
Hi girls,a Merry Christmas from George :lol: have fun :thumbsup:
Good morning gang. And yes it is good. :D It's not snowing yet and we got the kids mother to come get them yesterday afternoon before the weather came in. (We don't trust her driving ability in any weather!) As of yesterday at 4pm the city was down to about 4,000 customers withour power - they are trying desperately to get everyone hooked up before the storms today and Sunday.

How about some Nick in the morning.

oooh so many pretty pics I had to go through!! Many I had never seen before. It was such a nice thing to do after battling 10+ inches of snow today.

Anyways honorable mentions go to egeria for her goggle cap, Stokes4Me for her gazing cap and Yoshi for her Greggo cap.

Runners Up

blackflag - he looks so good in green!
PrincessJ88 - is it bad to think he is sexy when he is supposed to be injured??
Smokey - stared at his *cough* leg area for along time
Jacquie - smokin hott in these shades!
speedystokesgirl - simply gorgeous
Bookgirl20 - soooo close with this one. He is adorable in that hat!

The winner is something wicked. I love this pic. I love the little grin on his face. I love how it shows off his profile and his lovely neck.

Have fun with Nick!
Been awhile since I got Nick on a Friday ;)

I'm still a little sick, so if I post a stupid theme, a big sorry to everyone.

How about a game of I Spy, in the spirit of Christmas ... something red and or green?
Congratulations, Something Wicked! I'll play tomorrow afternoon if I'm not overwhelmed with the number of pics posted by then. :) I went out tonight right after work and have to go in again in the morning, so I'm heading to bed, but I love a good Christmas theme!

Something funny...I went out with friends for a birthday tonight, and at dinner one of them said, "Hey you guys...say 'silk' five times". :guffaw:Then one of our other friends proceeded to fail the test, so no solo DB for her! :lol: They're like, you've heard it already? And I said, "Yeah, on CSI years ago!"
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