George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#30

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Congratulations, Something Wicked! I'll play tomorrow afternoon if I'm not overwhelmed with the number of pics posted by then. :) I went out tonight right after work and have to go in again in the morning, so I'm heading to bed, but I love a good Christmas theme!

Something funny...I went out with friends for a birthday tonight, and at dinner one of them said, "Hey you guys...say 'silk' five times". :guffaw:Then one of our other friends proceeded to fail the test, so no solo DB for her! :lol: They're like, you've heard it already? And I said, "Yeah, on CSI years ago!"

:guffaw:That is so weird, that happened to me yesterday when I was waiting in line at the grocery store. This older guy must have been bored and asked me that question to strike a conversation, needless to say he was shocked that I knew what to say.

I may be a little late at posting a winner, so 12 in around 30 hours :)
Hi girls,a Merry Christmas from George :lol: have fun :thumbsup:
:eek: WHOHOOOOOO I WANT HIM UNDER MY TREE :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
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