George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Thanks guys :thumbsup:

A drool bucket is not the only thing I need .......

I need a pillow so when I fall off my chair I have a soft landing....

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Celeste. It's so nice to have a newbie here to help us spread the word on how georgeous and hot a certain Texan is :drool:

Yoshi I know what you mean about how distracting a private CSI marathon can be :drool:

blackflag thanks for the mid morning chocolate :drool:

I think with all the rain we've had here in the last 12 days I should put extra buckets around with all the :drool: going on :D

A little advice for surviving here in the Ward:
1) Get some pain medication because you'll be doing a lot of

2) Keep a mop and bucket near you, it can get wet in here with all the :drool: going on. And as the Captain (Jacquie) would say there are constant flood warnings here in the Ward due to all the :drool: as well

3)As George/Nick can inspire certain naughty thoughts we keep everything pg-13 so we don't get
by the Keeper of The Ward, Destiny. Last time she hosed us it was pretty messy :guffaw:[/quote]

Enjoy your stay, we all do!
Wow I think this may be a record for Ward Girls playing a theme :) there were 11 of you :) I'm certainly glad we only post 12 theme pics now :)

I just wish I could post all the pics but Destiny will only let us do 7 in the winners post and I don't know if she would turn a blind eye to a double post :) so here are the honourary mentions; to Marns for her stache photo from Dog Eat Dog, MsCB for her stache and Little Stoker photo, Princess with some suit porn from The Unusual Suspect, and Smokey for her hand porn from Theory, I believe :)

The runners up in no particular order

Steph with some nice porn from Monte Carlo
bookgirl I agree there is soooo much porn in this one :drool:
speedy what can I say without us getting hosed :devil:
Deidre read speedy's comment :guffaw:
blackflag 3 butts in one shot :D
Kristine this had a good chance to win but.........

please. Yoshi you are the grand prize winner of Nick for the night :) Wow chocolate and drop dead georgeous as well. Very stunning pic :) So enjoy you time with Mr Stokes and company :devil:
please. Yoshi you are the grand prize winner of Nick for the night :) Wow chocolate and drop dead georgeous as well. Very stunning pic :) So enjoy you time with Mr Stokes and company :devil:

Good job, Yoshi! Congratulations!!

Well, no one calls me Speedy like they call you Smokey. I'm not use to it. I see you've decided to continue where we left off and pick on me. :rolleyes: At least I didn't try to kill us like someone I know. :thumbsup:

Um...yeah. That would be me. My bad!!!
Congrats Yoshi, that was a gorgeous pic!! :D Don't keep us all waiting too long for the new theme, and most importantly, enjoy your time with Nicky... Which I'm sure you will do. :devil:
I got him.

Oh yes. :p

Thank you Jacquie - although he's looking a bit tired. I won't ask lol.

Smokey, Speedy I love it when you two get all


New theme. I'm sticking with the alphabet as you lot come up with some corkers, cos my other thought was a comments theme and I don't want pelting with consumables for making yer brains ache!

So the letter G is my letter of choice (have we had G
have we? )

12 in 24 hours please.

See you all later.
Speedy and Smokey, you've peaked my interest. Just what happened last weekend? :confused:

Yoshi, once I got into looking it wasn't quite as hard as I expected. The first one's kinda obvious and the next 6 will probably be harder though.:lol:

Theme pics:
garbage can
glass (as in glass window)

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