George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Oh, Cap'n & Blackflag, I have to say that the 'bad hair day' is my fave look on Nicky, that is the perfect hair length, that I go for in guys, but like Cap'n, I love Nick any way... This is just my preference. :p
blackflag I like you current avatar. Sums up Thursday's episode quite Nickly :) I also find season 7 buzz very short but then I think GE meant us to see an angry side of Nick and I think for me it worked.

Steph I have occasionally slipped up on the spelling of words that start with N's. That's how come I started calling open neck shirts open Nick :drool: it was just easier to spell :guffaw:
Looks like I started something ;) and I'm enjoying all the pics! I'm sure y'all have discussed this before but it's cool to hear your opinions since I haven't heard them yet.
Looks like I started something ;) and I'm enjoying all the pics! I'm sure y'all have discussed this before but it's cool to hear your opinions since I haven't heard them yet.

Kristine this is what keeps the love for George/Nick going is new people joining The Ward and asking these questions or making comments. We love it :) So ask away :)
Evening Ward :)

That was a lovely surprise, shame I fell asleep for a couple of hours after watching tv for 10 minutes :eek: strange that the buzz should come up when it was something I was considering for a theme, because as some of you know, it's my favourite porn along with arm porn. Season 5 was the best for me, although Season 7 was just as hot as Jacquie mentioned, in an angrier, more disallusioned Nick sort of way. His hair this season - WOW! Then again I like the longer hair too, but not so much the bad 80's side parting.

Enough hair talk.

Actually no - because the buzz often leads to some good neck porn - and never has a neck been soooo tempting to bite and :censored:

Erm.....back to the theme.........


The theme this time - well I could do with a laugh, so Nick/George with a friend/colleague and tell me what they're saying to each other.

12 in possibly under 24 hours :eek:

Happy hunting.
Goody! :lol: I can do some theme pics before I have to go get the stuff out of the dryer and probably get off the computer for the night.

Theme pics:
I think I'm going this way!
What you got on those home movies this week?
UGH! Something went bad in here.
Go get your own cup of coffee!
Remind me to pick the place the next time you spring for lunch!
You seem to be able to make me do anything.

Hope you appreciate these as I'm missing some sleep from last night (cat got sick on my bed!) and I didn't want to get up this morning. :wtf:


ETA: Jacquie, my avi is from a cap (one of Babs') that you posted with the label WTF. I thought it was perfect so I used it. ;) So I guess I should say Thank You to you for posting it. :lol: I don't go to Babs' photobuckets that often because I still freeze when I try to leave them.
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ETA: Jacquie, my avi is from a cap (one of Babs') that you posted with the label WTF. I thought it was perfect so I used it. ;) So I guess I should say Thank You to you for posting it. :lol: I don't go to Babs' photobuckets that often because I still freeze when I try to leave them.

I'm glad I could help. I know what you mean about Babs site. On my old computer I had that exact same problem

Yoshi don't you hate it when the TV falls asleep on you :guffaw:

Greg there is no way I'm going to decorate the ward with this
yup Super Dave this is what they call getting stabbed in the back
Catherine you cleaning service did a rotten job of dusting in here
Griss do you think we can tell Destiny it's safe for the year to come out from under her desk :lol:
Wendy could I have this back by three
Griss are you going to take this or what
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