George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Thank you Ward for making me laugh today :D

I'm reading that you're having trouble seeing certain banners - can I say they all look totally delicious from here:drool:

Tricky to pick between the funniest funnies and the pics themselves. I aimed for some balance between the two. Honourable mentions for Stokesgirl and the cologne comment and Princess and the 'how does that feel Cath'. Of course I then want to add the comment from my banner ;)


blackflag - damn cheapskate!
Jacquie - I'd love to be Destiny under that desk
Kristine - it's funny when he gets possessive
bookgirl - it is indeed
Babs - you can almost hear him stuttering out that line :D

But my favourite, and the winner is from Deirdre with this. I love the childishness of the comment and Nick looks quite petulant in that pic. (Plus I love the snidey, snarkey Hodges but don't let on I said that.)

I'm sending Nick on over - look after him :)

ETA Aww Steph sorry you missed out - I'm honourably mentioning your Nick & Greg pic - cos greg's standing his ground and just not telling! :D
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That's ok Yoshi and Cap'n, don't worry about it. :D Oh thanks for the chocolate Cap'n... :drool: Oh and congrats on the win Deirdre. :D
Congratulations Deirdre on winning!

Well, I can see the banners again, looks like it was all Smokey's fault for putting the word *banner* when she named them. :guffaw:

Ok, that's not fair, it was my Anti-virus program's fault, but I had to pick on her anyway. Sorry MsHandFetish!
Congratulations Deirdre on winning!

Well, I can see the banners again, looks like it was all Smokey's fault for putting the word *banner* when she named them. :guffaw:

Ok, that's not fair, it was my Anti-virus program's fault, but I had to pick on her anyway. Sorry MsHandFetish!

Oh! Break my little heart into pieces, why don't you?? :( I hope you weren't mean enough to say that to me AFTER you saw my kind offer to rename the banners, just so you could see them? Hmmmm?? In the Q&A folder??? Hmmmm????

And yes, congrats Deidre!

And Steph, what fun to have our birthdays here together!! Woo hoo!
Congrats Deirdre! Very nice pic.:thumbsup:

stokesgirl , I'm a Art and Art History major. I plan on going to grad school for informational sciences to become a Librarian.
Congratulations Deirdre on winning!

Well, I can see the banners again, looks like it was all Smokey's fault for putting the word *banner* when she named them. :guffaw:

Ok, that's not fair, it was my Anti-virus program's fault, but I had to pick on her anyway. Sorry MsHandFetish!

Oh! Break my little heart into pieces, why don't you?? :( I hope you weren't mean enough to say that to me AFTER you saw my kind offer to rename the banners, just so you could see them? Hmmmm?? In the Q&A folder??? Hmmmm????

Now, would I do that? Me? Never, I tell ya, never! ;)
Thank you Yoshi!

Early morning here and I need to go to school, but you all know how to make me happy;) Even two small tests won't change my mood:)

Next challenge, oh that's so hard... I hope that wasn't - pics where Nicky's at the crime scene.
12 pics and 34h.

Waiting for pics!:)
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