George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Good Morning y'all :)

So I had an interesting problem develop with photobucket yesterday. I reached my size max on there end :scream: but thanks to Speedy's fast help I'm able to continue collecting pics but there is still a problem I need to fix. And that is going back and changing all my png pics to jpg pics. png just takes up too much space. So if any pics go missing you know why. I still haven't decided if I'm going to go back and put them back to season only albums or leave them in sub albums by episode. I find the episode albums are great if you want a specific episode but for just general pic post it can be annoying. Any thoughts :)

Some wake up calls for y'all this morning

wouldn't it be nice to wake up to this each morning
or even this
or this, minus the accessories though :guffaw:get you mind out of the gutters ladies I'm only referring to one item not both :guffaw:
Awwww...I missed a fun theme! :( I know there's still time left, but I've got a lot of catching up to do, online and off! I have to go back to stupid work tomorrow. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted! :)

Buzz...I used to not like it, because I love, love, love dark hair, but after being bombarded with all the buzzy pics here, it wasn't long before I loved it too!

The long hair...I can stand it, but only if he's wearing a hat! :lol:

Cap'n, those .png files are always weird for me when I try to save them or whatever. They mess me up somehow. And Speedy, the two banners you can't see are ones that I made, but you can see mine, right?
Great pics everyone. Think I'm gonna sit this theme out. Finals finished this week and I'm still recovering. :lol: That and I have lots to do before I go back to work full time tomorrow.
Smokey welcome back :) I hope you had a enjoyable weekend :) Are you really upset about going back to work or jsut annoyed that you will have to work on your birthday this week :D

MsCB how did your finals go? Do you have anymore school left after this year?
Smokey welcome back :) I hope you had a enjoyable weekend :) Are you really upset about going back to work or jsut annoyed that you will have to work on your birthday this week :D

MsCB how did your finals go? Do you have anymore school left after this year?

^^ I'm hoping they went well I find out my grades this week. I have one more year of undergrad and then two years of grad school after that. It seems never ending. :lol:
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Smokey welcome back :) I hope you had a enjoyable weekend :) Are you really upset about going back to work or jsut annoyed that you will have to work on your birthday this week :D

Ha ha! :lol: Yes, I had a fun weekend, and yes, I'm upset about going back to work. One of my favorite friends there quit and last week was her last week. So not only are we going to be short-handed for a couple of months, but I have to work in her area to cover for her and NOT have fun like we used to. :(

But I'll get through each day knowing I can come home and enjoy the pics! :D
And Speedy, the two banners you can't see are ones that I made, but you can see mine, right?

Welcome back MsHandFetish, hope you enjoyed your weekend.

And Nope, I can't see your banner either. I use to see Jacquie and yours. Now that's three banners I can't see.

But I can see everyone else's in the ward. I think?

Just don't get it I tell ya, just don't get it.

I'm beginning to think that you girls are messing with me and really took off your banners, then conspired with the other Ward girls to comment on how they like them. This is some kind of revenge, isn't it? :guffaw:

I'll have to check my post in the Question and comment thread to see if anyone answered.

McB hope you did great on your finals! What are you studying, if you don't mind me asking?

Captain, you are very welcome for the help, I'm glad you're getting more space for more delicious Nick/George pics.
Gosh I'm really late posting these, but nice theme choice Yoshi... :lol: Oh and Smokey, your birthday is the day before mine... ;) 2 Parties in the ward this week. :D

First batch:

Well Marg, you certainly know how to make my ward girls jealous...
Sofia, I really don't wanna know what you and Jim have been doing...
Jorja, are you and Marg conspiring to make my ward girls jealous!?
Erm... Greg made me do it..?
Greg tell me where you hid Yoshi's address... NOW!!
Hey Greg check it out, look at Griss, flirting with Cath...

Now I just need someone to post, so I can get in my final batch before the end of the theme... :angel: Please..?
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