George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Good grief!
Two whole pages of posts since I was here last night! This place is getting crazy! :lol:

Cap'n, no worries about the wake up call. I didn't even have time to look this morning. I kept hitting the snooze without looking to see what time it was and ended up being late all on my own without your help! :lol:

to another StokesGirl...Kristine, and to Deirdre too if I haven't mentioned it.

Everyone ready for the show tonight?? :D

Also for reasons that I have got no idea why, I'm also referred as Capt'n Jac, Capt'n Nip, or just Capt'n

Oh Captain you know why. We all know why! :guffaw:

LOL! No kidding! The good Cap'n Jacquie has a nipple fetish, if you couldn't tell! :guffaw:
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Everyone ready for the show tonight?? :D

Also for reasons that I have got no idea why, I'm also referred as Capt'n Jac, Capt'n Nip, or just Capt'n

Oh Captain you know why. We all know why! :guffaw:

LOL! No kidding! The good Cap'n Jacquie has a nipple fetish, if you couldn't tell! :guffaw:

Oh yes I got the VCR already programmed :) I had to remind the hubby why we were watching Two and a Half Men

Yes well the nipple fetish started because you misread nibble and typed in nipple :guffaw:MsHandFetish :lol:

And to think these innocent pics started it all :drool: One for the road :devil:
Everyone ready for the show tonight?? :D

Oh Captain you know why. We all know why! :guffaw:

LOL! No kidding! The good Cap'n Jacquie has a nipple fetish, if you couldn't tell! :guffaw:

Oh yes I got the VCR already programmed :) I had to remind the hubby why we were watching Two and a Half Men

I'm having my brother TiVo it cause I'm at work and will be until late. Hopefully, someone will post his cameo on You Tube. Though I have no idea when I'll be able to watch it.

just LOVE that smile
It just makes
your heart melt Jacquie's favorite suit :guffaw:
Oh yes I got the VCR already programmed :) I had to remind the hubby why we were watching Two and a Half Men

LOL...they make fun of me at work because I still use a VCR instead of having a DVR! :) Someone even told me today, "Yeah, my grandma still has a VCR." :wtf:

Yes well the nipple fetish started because you misread nibble and typed in nipple :guffaw:MsHandFetish :lol: It started because YOU made a comment about the tight shirt and we ALL knew what you meant!
Thank you for the welcome! I love it here! I'm sorry about the double posts, I didn't know that. So I just go back and edit to add more to my post then? Is that what you mean? Is it you can post after someone else posts? Forgive my mistake! Thank you for the sites also. So I can play too then? It's ok to download some pics and play the game too?
We also give newbies a chance to get adjusted before we pull out the hose and hit you with something nasty. :D Welcome, There is a thread at the top of this forum called a "Help Guide" its to help those who are new to adjust with ease.

As to Editing, yes if no one has posted after you then you have upto 24 hrs to edit your post and add in what you want. But if someone has posted after you then yes its fine to post again. Double posting is like you might see on other boards, where one person posts one after another to answer each post instead of just doing so in one (when no one posts after them), here we don't do that so that it keeps the confusion down as well as the spam.

Anyone can play the game, or just post regular pics, use the download word a bit sparingly as it might be misconstrude as an illegal download, its okay to say it, just make sure you word it so that you don't mean it that way, better yet the way you worded it in the quote is fine, just a heads up. ;)

Mistakes will happen, thats how we learn from them and help others who will be in the same situation, as you are now unsure about somethings. And contrary to how it sounds, neither myself or TallyHo bite... much. :guffaw:
Anyone can play the game, or just post regular pics, use the download word a bit sparingly as it might be misconstrude as an illegal download, its okay to say it, just make sure you word it so that you don't mean it that way, better yet the way you worded it in the quote is fine, just a heads up. ;)

'Round these here parts, we just say "snag". :D

contrary to how it sounds, neither myself or TallyHo bite... much. :guffaw:

Nice one! :lol: And yes, you guys are very nice and much appreciated.
contrary to how it sounds, neither myself or TallyHo bite... much. :guffaw:

Nice one! :lol: And yes, you guys are very nice and much appreciated.

I second that, but I thought for sure Destiny was going to
us! :guffaw:

Also, newbies, get your headache medicine ready, because you'll being doing a lot of this
Just wanna give you fair warning. :lol:

He just has that kind of affect on you

just adding my two cents worth in :)

headache medicine is require whether Nick is doing his thing in red or being George in a suit :drool: you will also find that pails are required by your computer as we have a tendency to :drool: a lot. We also have regular flood warnings posted for where we live :guffaw:
Destiny said:
Mistakes will happen, thats how we learn from them and help others who will be in the same situation, as you are now unsure about somethings. And contrary to how it sounds, neither myself or TallyHo bite... much. :guffaw:

Thank you so much for the info! I'll go read that thread too so I am in the know. I love it here, you all rock! :thumbsup:
So I'm doing what I said I would, except for the PMing part.

I've started making a bunch of avatars and I have a few done.

If you would like to take a look at them Click Here

If you like any of them, feel free to use them, but please give me credit. If you don't like them or don't want to use them, that works too. They're just fun to create. Now don't expect them to be on the same level as the avatars over in the Fan Art thread. Those people are good.

I'm going to make more avatars and animated avatars too so check back every now and again.

I'm going to make some banners, as well, but haven't started on that project yet.

In the meantime, a wake-up call for the Captain
Since she always (oh, that neck) gives us one
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