George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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softcake i know how that can be :rolleyes:
but i'm glad that you could make it work for the pics you managed to post!
it was worth it ;)
Good Morning Ward.

It sounds like most of us have had a good sleep except Elsie. Take Nick for the night because it sounds like cathwillows doesn't need any help sleeping. I don't know if I ever slept in till 1pm.

Here are the rest of my theme pics
come on Griss, it's just a little bull
hey Griss, Stoky's picked a theme where I'm with my colleagues :)
Greg I've told you before the wardgirls are mine
yes Nick the paper work has to be done before you can go to the party
Wendy if you won't help Stoky will do it for sure
oh boy oh boy I get to go play in the dirt. That's why I love this job!
Jacquie you have to consider that i was up till 5:30 sleeping till 1 pm means i had 7 and a half hours of sleep. that is not soooo much! ;)
nice pics btw :)

it is so unfair that season 7 is aired everywhere except here! :( we are still in the last third of season 6.
but i have seen every episode from season 7 nontheless and didn't miss one minute of nicky! :D
cathwillows, yes I would say that getting up at 1 makes sense if you went to at 5:30 :). Where is here that you are only in season 6?
Jacquie, until two weaks ago they were airing season 3 here.. But ofcourse before that we were in S5..
And season 6 is not that bad.. I haven't seen season 6 at all.. though I want to!

Back to Nick, I thought it was really funny in Double-Cross when Nick walked into the closet.. And he said: Oh yeah. :lol:
cathwillows is in Stoky's and my place ;) So we're heading towards the end of Season 6 and we'll probably have to wait another year until we can see Season 7 on TV :rolleyes:
At least the first part of Season 6 will be released on DVD in April, I just pre-ordered it ;)
yes softcake is right. on thursday they will show "the unusaul suspect" which is "geschwisterbande" in there much nicky in it? i can't really remember, maybe i should just rewatch it so i won't miss any nick. ;)

i wouldn't want to miss this
and i just saw that the chicken dance is from unusual suspect too! :lol:

*edited: i don't understand why they don't just translate the titles of the episodes into german! sometimes the titles have nothing to do with the original one....just wanted to say that :rolleyes: :lol:
Oh yes!

The Unusual Suspect is great for Nick! You wouldn't want to miss it! :D He's the main man in that episode.

eta: Thanks Jacquie, yes I'm not sleeping too well and I am exhausted from a particularly tiring day yesterday. Don't worry, I'll look after Nick for the night. ;)
he is? then i definitely have to re-watch it today!
i just can't remember much of this episode.
and he doesn't look too bad in this episode i would say :devil:
I just hopped on here long enough to get my dose of Nicky before one more hour of studying for my HUGE honors Organic Chem exam!

See you girls afterward my exam! :)
Morning all!

Welcome NickGreg and good luck on the test!

I guess I'm one of the ones that has been sleeping well...of course it's due to the head injury that I have actually slept a full 8-10 hours for the first time in MANY years! :D

Great pics too...keep 'em up, they're helping with my headache!
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