George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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:) tha´t very nice cathwillows and thanks. Sorry Ward, must writing some job application. And it´s late now.
Wish all of you a very nice evening and night and....

i think Softcake like this
that´s for all of us :lol:
think the woman is not there :lol:

Night Ward must write now ;)

eta: thanks Blackflag i havn´t also seen this pics before believe me, and i´m searching i swear :lol: and thanks OnlyTruth i don´t know what you have, so nice the pics and also your comments :lol: it´s good really good.

so sorry, must make my writing
very nice pics so far and i like the theme so much that i can't decide which pics to post... :lol:
but i've decided which i'll take into the competition and here they are....
oh i have to come up with good descriptions to the pics right? well i hope you like them Stoky

and nicky! don't forget your lunchbox :lol:
sorry, are you talking to us?!?! we are too cool for you ;)
sara in a quiet and lulling voice you feel tired, your body relaxes....
nick: that is soooo unfair! why MY car?! :(
*singing* dududududu i'm lovin' it!
nick and hodges toss ching chang chong
Stoky said:
and what i must see Elsie :lol: you missed an entire theme *hmm* do you mean new poem?

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean. :confused: I missed the last theme completely, didn't see any of it (at least I don't think I did). But congrats again. I'll have a go at this one, but I haven't looked through the other posts and probably won't make up any funny titles for the pics either. *is very tired* :lol: ;)

Don't touch me...
Do you think those girls are watching us?
Yeah, I know I'm cute
I am not going up there!
Seriously, what do you think of the shirt?
I'm looking cool, why does Sara have to spoil it with that hand thing?
hey morning ward. hope you all slept well. i can say i slept too well because i overslept! :lol: i wanted to get up around 11 am and when did i finally wake up? two hours later :rolleyes: but ok i didn'T have much to do so it is ok...anyway, here some random george pics for a better start of the day! enjoy

casual with glasses
i didn'T know that leaning on a wall could be so hot
and george on the early show without one single hair :p
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