George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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Morning Ward!
I'm so glad we're back! Last night I couldn't log in and thought it was me, I even requested a new password! :lol:
Then I couldn't find the Ward on the first page and finally gave up and went to bed ;)
Morning Wardgirls :)

I'm so glad we're back up and running. I missed everyone :) I think there is still problems because have you paid attention to the date on blackflag's post. Dec 2001. The only saving grace to not being able to be here last night was we got new Nick and oh he as georgeous. We got little stoker a couple of times and some serious t-shirt porn. The drool bucket was busy last night :)
^ No, that was part of the problem last night. All posts made whilst the problems were going on last night have incorrect dates and times. I think all the problems have been solved, the site came back online just this morning after being down for a while for emergency maintenance. :) For a while we went back in time.... :lol:

I'm looking forward to seeing some screencaps of new Nick, it sounds great! :D
Elsie you must understand computers better than I do. All I know was I tried to check posts about 5pm Toronto time and couldn't get in and when I went to bed around 11 that it was still not working. Don't you just love modern technology :)

no Michilen(sp) man last night temp must have been warming up in California when the episode was filmed. Although it did rain on them. Oh to have been there with a towel on hand :p
hot stuff
needing something to warm the great outdoors up here
Hi everyone!
Did ya miss me? :lol:

It's been one hell of a week here. Couple of homocides, fires with deaths, domestics gone awry...good lord! For a small community this place just went nuts recently.

Anyway, just checking in and taking a look at all your fabu pictures. GE/Nick is better than any therapy! Loved last night's epi and can't wait to see caps from it.
Morning Ward :)

first we have a birthday girl

for you

Babs have a nice day ;)

and yes McStokes we´ve been missing you.

Sorry folks my feeling still not yet better :( you know why
i´m short in here, when i´ve finished my film i´ll making caps for you ;) hope it´s going quick.

eta: and thanks for all nice pics and good wishes
Jacquie, I don't understand computers, but my husband works in IT, so he manages all of my computer needs. Before the site went down, you could access some parts but not the homepage or who's online etc. I made him look at the error message that came up and tell me what was wrong it the site! It went down completely a couple of hours before you first tried to access it. :)

Happy birthday Babs I hope you have a great day. Nick's happy for you too.

Nice to see you both too,Stoky and McStokes. :)
Tech is looking into the problem with the site as the date problems and so on have been reported to them by us. Hopefully everything will get totally back to working were all asked to be patient. ;)
Morning Girls, due to the problems that I had getting to the site last night and me having to go to the hospital today, I probably won't be able to pick a winner until later tonight, sorry for the wait.
Jacquie said:
NickGreg we truly are neighbours then. I'm from Markham which is just north of Toronto :)

ohfun! I Love going up to Toronto--absolutely beautiful city! :)

Nice pics everyone! And NJ, can't wait for your post tonight!

Nikky I hope everything is ok :) And yes we can wait until tonight. We'll just get out the old handcuffs and practice putting them on Nick :devil: :D
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