George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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OnlyTruth said:
Jacquie it was so nice to see the Stoker Award make an appearance!

Yea I thought it was about time he made an appearance :)

Marns the hot beaver dam is a Canadian expression that I just made up for the pic. It's another way to say damm without getting into any trouble with using a word that some people could take as offensive :)
Good afternoon, Ward!

My day has been awful. I'm a member of the shop committee, and we had a 6 hour meeting with the bosses today. They want to reorganize some departments, whatever that means. They showed us a nice, colorful PowerPoint presentation, but in the end I'm afraid a lot of people will lose their job :(

I'm having a coffee and some chocolate right now and try to calm down. Looking at those nice pics helps a lot *sighs*
oh yes softcake, and make sure to take two nickys too. i hope everything turns out good for you!

so its 'reading' week and i for one am actually reading :lol: but still peeking in to see nick because come on, its nick :D love the stoker award Jacquie!! how could i have forgotten it when i made it? :lol:
Softcake hugs, i can understand your feelings know :( you have as shop committe member an protection against unlawful dismissal from 5 years, hope my remember is correct.

I´m also very sad this day becaus 2 new reneges :( and my chance on job market are fade more and more, not nice sorry folks, but to have a good job is very important.

make one random Nick pick for y´ll
cute and sensitive men i´ll need him this day

Sorry must answer to Softcake now i´m really off
softcake, I really hope you're calmed down now.. And I hope you work environment will still be a happy environment.. And I will search for a nice George pic just for you.

For softcake
(just imagine Eric Szmanda out, unless you like him :))

And I hope everything is okay with you, too, Stoky.

For Stoky
softcake and stoky - I am so sorry that you two are each having a bad day :( Here's a little stoker to cheer you up.
marns - thanks for posting this morning so that I could post my pics -- unfortunately I got tied up with other stuff and never got to it -- :( another theme missed. But hey, it's 54 F here and the snow is melting - and that's a very good thing :)
Aww, thank you, guys, I already feel a lot better. That's the magic of Nick in combination with chocolate ;)

Sorry to hear about your day, Stoky Just don't give up, I'm sure you'll get a job soon!
I'll be picking the winner in about an hour or so if anybody wants to get some last minute pics in. :D Not that it isn't hard enough already.

We've had 2 days in a row in the 40's. It's a heatwave. (at least it feels like it should be)

Stoky and softcake sorry about your days. It's never easy when you are having a bad day. I'm glad the ward is here for us when days go wrong as well as when they go right. I recommend you give this and this a good hug :)
Hi, guys! I'm a lurker, but you guys are so nice, and I think I'm gonna go look for pictures to post!

I just got back from organic chem lab, and I'm in desperate need of a Nicky-pick me up! :)
The time is here.

Your runners up:

I was going to stick to ones I didn't have, but I failed miserable on these 2. :lol:
Jacquie because who can think about t-shirts and not really like this pic. And
Elsie because I just can't resist that smile.
Stoky - classic Nicky
Marns - I don't know why I've never snagged one from this photo shoot. I just screams come and get me.
Elsie again - How come we always see him tying his shoes? I want more. :devil:

The winner is:

NikkyJamez - I could just stare at it for hours. Just look at how tight the shirt is. :devil: Look at the nice strong shoulders. Look at the eyes. I love his eyes. :D


That would have taken less time if I could actually spell today!
blackflag said:
Marns - I don't know why I've never snagged one from this photo shoot. I just screams come and get me.

Couldn't you imagine all us wardgirls going after George. I don't think he'd know what hit him :devil:

Congrats on winning Nikky :)
Jacquie, did you notice how quickly the pic that you didn't post showed up. You people know me too good. :lol: Yes I had trouble not choosing it. :lol: I try to use the theme to get me some new pics and it doesn't always work that way.

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