George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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Ok i come to you and singing around with McStokes and Softcake now we are three anybody more? :lol: come on Ward more singers are here or not? :lol: McStokes which song do you play at the campfire? *hmmmm*

and yes this is the best place :D i love it
Meh, I'm sitting here eating chocolate and thinking "I should get up and exercise!"

Let's see...songs for the campfire. I am a country music fan, so we'd have to do some of 'bout Yellow Rose of Texas in honor of GE?
you also fan from country music woahhh nice good, and yes i love this song :D let us sing this song McStokes ;)
sooo beautiful specially for you and Nicky means that´s great song ;)

ok i´ll doing also a littlebit goodies here, because now i can see monster in a box but first i make some caps for you

ok, sorry this must make one time a double post ;) *blinking very peacefull* ;)
Admin and Mod don´t worry :lol: the second of monster in a box

mb6 mb8 mb9

more tomorrow ;) must look the film first until the end.

i think the last pics are for most of you loveley, because Nicky clences his teehth and his jawbone loom *sigh* i love it so.... ok Ward i´m singing around at the campfire with McStokes and so happy that she hat to chose the song
Yellow Rose of Texas is really so nice ;) night Ward :)
Stoky said:
Admin and Mod don´t worry :lol: the second of monster in a box

mb6 mb8 mb9

Stoky - the one you labeled mb6 is the one I was talking about in the other thread. I was hoping they wouldn't let Nick see that part of the tape. But I love that cap. :)

softcake said:
Some more caps, because I like it when elsie squees :D

Well, it is a rarity! :lol:

Wow, I went out for dinner, came back and there were 30 posts on here! You girls certainly know how to post!

Anyway, lovely caps softcake and Stoky (naughty double posting) :). Poor Nicky, with his eyes shut. I haven't seen the episode, but it must have been disturbing for him! :(
Blackflag *huh* new with Nickys hair? :lol: and this cap oh i´m glad that you like it.

Elsie yes so nice when you squeee :lol: we all so squeeing when we see our loveley nice Nicke/George ;)

CSIFan1 nice you come in and singing with us, and good, you´ve changed the signature ;) i sai it

btw. at all the time i´ve been missing Jacquie guy where are you? :eek: hope you´re ok? ok know i´m off must looking here because i can´t sleep however night *sigh* wish you all a nice night ;)
WOW I can't believe how busy you wardgirls were today. The ward room looks nice and clean with all the dusting and vacuuming that's been done :D. I'll join in the cleaning on Sunday. That is the day I usually do my laundry and cleaning.

Stoky I got home from work about 45 minutes ago and it's taken me about 30 minutes to go thru all the posts from today :)

Welcome to the ward CSIFan1. As you see we don't bite. Okay we do occassionaly nibble on Nick :D :devil: The pics you have posted are very drool worthy but a word of caution. We are only allowed to post 6 pics at a time and try not to double post. If you need to make an additional comment and nobody has posted please use your edit button :)

eta: Babs, Stoky and softcake thanks for the caps squeeeeee :)

McStokes I'll gladly join in the campfire but be warned I'm not a very good singer.
Good afternoon, Ward :)
I just watched another episode of Savannah and I have to say George really ages well. I like his looks now even better than the look from ten years ago :) He might look like a Monchichi right now, but I don't care :p
Howdy Ward :D

ohhh McStokes campfire was hard, drinking and singing around and now i´ve a hangover :lol: (no it´s a joke)

Jacquie hy and thanks for pics ;) oh our dear boy

Softcake your lucky, you can see Savannah i not. I love the pics and George looks there very nice, sure now he is older and i like him too, but he looks erery time so cute younger and older, the men is perfect. I´ve seen the epi monster in a box and moving pics most better than only the pics :D and thanks for the pics *omg* the first i wish i were the Lady :lol:

ok give some goodies for the ward

so nice Nicky in new epi
grrrr :devil: i love it
hmmmm this look
my Nicky *sigh* :lol:
yeah :devil:

more a littlebit later ;) have fun and good day
I am late I know I am sorry, but the little one is a little bit sick. It was hard, cause I really like Nick with cap hahaha. But I made a joice.

The winner is Softcake I just cant resist it. He looks sweet there and I love Gumdrops ;). Softcake Nick is in your hands now ;). Bring him back safly :p
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