George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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A good cold morning, wardgirls.

It's a little on the nippy side today. The wind chill was making it feel like -30C. BRRRRR. I think I may stay in and not bother with life outside the house.

A very big happy birthday to the theme. I knew it was last winter we started this but I didn't realize it was the 14th. George you do inspire us :) I'll post my second set of theme pics later in the morning.
happy birthday to the theme from me too!
it's not that cold here, maybe 10°c and the sun is shining! it stopped raining finally! i really couldn't stand it anymore.
and for those who are freezing, a nice nick-pic to warm us all up
hot smile
Good morning Ward :D

Jacquie uhhhhh :eek: -30°C when it is so cold i can´t moving and i would be grow stiff. Is the storm past and are all ok?

cathwillows yes this is so nice this pic and think it warms here all Ladys up.

have nice day all ;) see you later
All these pics have a wonderful warming effect. :lol: Just had to shovel to our back door. Mother Nature buried it behind snow drifts. Then I had to pull it off the roof burying myself in the process. I am frozen. I honestly didn't think about murdering the kids until this morning, 2 hour delays are worse than full fledged snow days.

Keep the pics comming. I require a lot of warming. :D


YAY!! I'm a CSI level one now! :lol:
:lol: yeah congrats on the promotion Blackflag :D

Jacquie 15 cm snow very nice, here the look is like spring and today it was warm and sunny now i don´t will have snow.

Marns nice very nice pics :D i love the first and the last.

Elsie :lol: thanks and look my first banner, not the best but i´ve done yesterday very quickley and now i´ll try to make more these days. And btw. do you feel better this day? hope so ;)

for all our freshmaker :lol:

now i´m off must make my sport training *pühh* and than new epi of CSI :D happy - i´ll back later ;)
I'm here. I'm late. :rolleyes: The snowblower died last night with only half the driveway done. So we're still shoveling. Can't stay out there too long in this wind. :eek:

Your runners up:

Stoky - I wish I was there right now. (with or without him I'm so sore :()
McStokes - What draws me to Viva Las Vegas?
Softcake - I chose this one instead of Jacquie's from the same scene because I didn't have it.
Elsie - Yes the house is white, I have one where I lightened it up.
Jacquie - To have weather this warm right now.

Your winner is:

Babs - Could he be any more adorable. Proof that Nicky would make a great father. I think they're actually the footies to the sleeper, but they deffinately look white.

Babs, I should tell you what I went through to see the pics. :D I opened all the pics and had them lined up on the bottom of the screen until I decided which ones I wanted. Then I closed one, froze the computer, and rebooted it to do the rest of this. I can open your pics, Babs, I just can't close them. :lol: Not too bad a problem to have if you think about it. :lol:

Maybe your computer WANTS you to stare at Nick, blackflag so why closing them? ;) It's funny, though. When I was on dial-up I always had trouble with Babs pics, too... Not with the pics, but with opening them ;)
Congratz, Babs :)
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