George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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Good morning to you too, McStokes :D I'm almost hobbling back home from work...

I took that picture myself. After the Ward's Christmas Pillow Fight (that explains why George is looking so - rugged :devil:) :D

Oh, and Jacquie - congratulations on winning. That pic is nickylicious.
Oh, don´t I love America. We´re coming to America in 2008 again.. (I´m half Dutch/half American) It would be so cool if I could meet George there! (yeah, dream on, Marny :lol:)
Good morning McStokes ;) wish you´re a nice day and many fun. And i´m not more teasy :lol: i swear

Marns lucky Lady, can i come with you? :D

Softcake the christmas pillow fight :lol: therfore George looks so knocked about - poor George

McStokes you get from me a good start in the day with Nicky ;)
Stoky, I could try to put you in my suitcase, with the rest of my George pictures, CSI books and stuff.. :lol:
Oh, THAT explains why he looks so...well, dazed!

Keep that foot elevated today, missy! What did ya do...trip over a drool bucket looking at Nick's pictures? :D

Oh... Stoky you do know how to put a smile on my face, my dear!! :lol:
Marns very nice :lol: but really narrow, but ok, when
you have enough George Pics i can last out :lol:

McStokes yes i know little sweetheart ;)

omg here in Germany is dark and right now begins to rain *grrr* i need Sunnick
McStokes said:

Keep that foot elevated today, missy! What did ya do...trip over a drool bucket looking at Nick's pictures? :D

Well, my little accident included a chair, a computer and my clumsiness :lol: No Nick involved here. This time :lol:

It's already raining here, Stoky ... and I'm a little afraid of the storm that's coming up.
I need...
strong arms
to keep me save :)
It's actually cold here, finally. We've been lucky with the temperatures staying pretty high, but it's cold today!

It's gonna suck working tonight...I will be one cranky person! I need Nicky to ride with me and keep the car heater going so I don't catch a chill!
Yeah.. It´s really, really cold in Holland too.. Rain and wind and stuff like that.. Nicky helps warm up my heart. :lol:
Stokydream said:
Guys i wonder where is Jacquie :( hope she is ok?
I'm sure that Jacquie is still at work -- remember, here in North America it's only 3:30ish (at least here in the eastern part, which is where she is). Plus, it might still be slow going on the roads -- it's super cold right now and they had snow yesterday.
oh yes you´ve right OnlyTruth :) sorry but i´m ever forget the time and sure the snow :( hope she´s coming good home :) how late is it in your land Only ?
Finally! When the link goes down I can't fix it until my brother goes to work, and he got sick over the weekend. At least I know when the little yellow dot doesn't light it the link and not the computer. (Believe me that's a big help :lol:)Things are temporarily running at normal speed and I can even open pics, which I couldn't do last night.

Do you have any idea what it's like spending the better part of 2 days playing video pinball on an Atari 2600 (very old game system)? :lol:

*lol* blackflag I'm with you here. When my old computer broke down I had to wait 10!! loooong days til I got a new one. I tried everything to keep myself busy - I even started to knit! :D And I was very grateful that I still had my old GameBoy (the Nintendo one, not GE) I played Tetris like mad :D
I'm glad you're back in the Ward :)
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