George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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Well, you girls are all too fast for me! I must be getting old! Here are my last six...not sure if I can do the snappy titles as I have yet to have coffee.

Glasses on the BACK of the head!
Glasses to block out Sara!
Public Declaration of Looovvvee Glasses
Sunglasses with growing hair
Bug glasses and even longer hair
Staring Hard Glasses

Yeah, gotta love Sarge. You should have seen my head snap up when he called "hey, Stokes!" I was thinking "Wuh? Where? He's HERE!!!" :lol:

I think I'm high on primer and paint fumes...need to get some fresh air!

PS...I have no idea why these pics appear so small, but I don't have time to fix them! Sorry!
Howdy Ward :D

sorry, but i´ve problems with a good friend and i needed time and couldn´t thought about this. But it´s ok now. Thank´s Softcake for the goodnight pic :) McStokes nice :D you´re named now Stokes? :lol:

but what´s the matter here in the ward? so quiet here for days?

ok than i make theme pic the time is running and i can make 6 pics and congrats on winning Blackflag

with nice sunglasses :D
another nice sunglasses
he looks there "giddyup* :lol: the word is very funny
hy glasses and hot :devil:
ouhhh Mr. Nice Guy :D
Glasses with best Friend yes ;)

one good news i can tell you, in March i´ve a casting here in my town - oh folks i´m soo excited, must play a little part, all there with camera and stage director my knees so rubber time of all 3 hrs. oh my knees to dodder :lol:
a BIG hello since my last time
hope you are all fine (and family and dad too)

Please forgive me if i post some pics already have been posted, i try to pick every one posted but i am sorry i just could not remember all the pics you've posted.. oops

Congrats on the new theme :D he is more "male" attractive hiding his eyes behind those glasses ;)

glasses 1
glasses 2
glasses 3

glasses 4

glasses 5
glasses 6
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