Good theme idea blackflag I will post some after dinner.
McStokes I love your new work Nickname Tell your sarge good choice And tell your husband that all wardgirls require at least 2 hours of nicktime each day :lol:
Well, you girls are all too fast for me! I must be getting old! Here are my last six...not sure if I can do the snappy titles as I have yet to have coffee.
sorry, but i´ve problems with a good friend and i needed time and couldn´t thought about this. But it´s ok now. Thank´s Softcake for the goodnight pic McStokes nice you´re named now Stokes? :lol:
but what´s the matter here in the ward? so quiet here for days?
ok than i make theme pic the time is running and i can make 6 pics and congrats on winning Blackflag
one good news i can tell you, in March i´ve a casting here in my town - oh folks i´m soo excited, must play a little part, all there with camera and stage director my knees so rubber time of all 3 hrs. oh my knees to dodder :lol:
a BIG hello since my last time
hope you are all fine (and family and dad too)
Please forgive me if i post some pics already have been posted, i try to pick every one posted but i am sorry i just could not remember all the pics you've posted.. oops
Congrats on the new theme he is more "male" attractive hiding his eyes behind those glasses