George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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The tree is up and decorated for another year. :) Now we just need to wrap presents to put under the tree. That will start after dinner tonight. Here are some more of my theme pics

Hodges i'm reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas because they like my drawl better
Just checking your test results Nikky
I've always felt having a loved one around when you sick makes you feel better :)
Nick your assignment tonight is go take care of your wardgirls
is it easier to breathe now :lol:

eta the walk pics are from our good friend softcake. You can find some of them here . softcake isn't finished capping the movie yet. We would all love to see the movie
Hi all :D

long time no Nicky :( I have been busy all week, been a bit crazy, but today was all right, we put up the tree, will decorate the next day, oy but all crazyness will break out tomarow... I just want to crawl into a corner and sleep :lol:

hey Softcake love your icon, it's so cute!! I love furry creatures :D and thanks again for letting us see those 'Walk in the Park' caps, it made me feel like I was watching the movie :D

ok so Nikky you won, yeah!! hope you feel better dear, I hate it when people are sick, it's terrible...

ok here are my theme pics... Nick and others giving you get well greetings, cool :D

Now I want to order your biggest flower arangment... yeah for my girl Nikky
hey... you better yet?
Hey stop saying I look like that owl behind me... some humor :D
so your saying if I shave it off... she'll get better?
Hey you didn't send roses.... you sent orchids... now send her roses!
are you better yet?... can I come in?

those are mine :D

see ya'll later :D

did any one else notice they changed the PhotoBucket site?
Thanks girls I feel a little better, just have an ear ache now.

The runners up, as always, in no special order:
Softcake Check out my location ;)
Nicksarafan2 That might help :lol:
Stoky Give me the bucket, the drool bucket that is Nicky!
'I'm sure Nicky, if I don't let you go, who knows what they'd do to me!' From Softcake

And I got stuck on two pictures:
Jacquie I almost choked on my Gatoraide! :lol:

But I went with a more simpler pic... nicksarafan2 Who can resist a man in uniform??? :D

Take care of Nick nicksarafan2
Congrats on winning nsf2.
I liked the Christmas greeting and it's on one of my favourite pics too :)softcake I don't know how your co-workers can think you're crazy. Tell them you check into the ward regually for checkups :lol:
It seems like photobucket is changing every other day. And speaking of photobucket here is some random Georgeous to get the day going
a big smile and some arm porn
I think this pic speaks for itself :p
another one that doesn't need any words
season 5 buzz and a smile
little stoker dressed up
when isn't he yummy :)
Hello my fellow inmates in the ward! Not even sure whether it's morning or night for me...going on almost 38 hours with NO SLEEP!!! :eek:

Must get some sleep...just wanted to look at Nick and get some nice visuals for my dreams!
Another nice visual

Oh, yeah...that last one did it for me!

Been working doubles...well, I guess it was a triple! Things get crazy around this time of year. But it looks like y'all have been having fun while I was workin' hard! ;)
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