Gas..How Much are you paying???

It was about .80 cents a Litre earlier this year. Now it's up to 133.0. About 38% is tax, that lines the back pockets of our *sarcastically* beloved politicians. They insist the rise in gas prices has nothing to do with Katrina whatsoever. Uh. Yeah. Could you come over here for a lie detector test :devil:. Two days before the hurricane, gas was about .95. The day of, it was 120.0 :mad:.
Where I live in Canada, my parents are paying 1.20CAN per litre for just regular unleaded gas.. i think America pays less than we do in Canada.. man America... you are lucky!
In the US, we have 87 octane (regular unleaded), 89 octane (mid-grade unleaded - not sure what the "proper" name for it is... :lol:) and 92 octane (premium unleaded) and of course diesel.

Aaah... that explains. We drive with higher octane :D No wonder ya got it cheaper. Besides, you produce it...we don't :p
Here in Cincinnati the range is from $2.89/gal (I got lucky!) to $3.09/gal. I'm seeing more and more places at $2.99 though.
Gas has dropped to $2.89 a gallon from last weeks $3.09.
I have a feeling the Labor Day holiday had something to do with the increase.
In the US, we have 87 octane (regular unleaded), 89 octane (mid-grade unleaded - not sure what the "proper" name for it is... :lol:) and 92 octane (premium unleaded) and of course diesel.

Aaah... that explains. We drive with higher octane :D No wonder ya got it cheaper. Besides, you produce it...we don't :p

I drive the higher octane too and it's a killer. Ugh. Hate it. I wish I could drive lower octane fuel.

We get our oil from the Middle East mostly and refine it here. So we have to buy it from them. And since they're pissed at us right now, they've started making us pay more for it. Ahh, politics.

I heard that we're opening our reserves though. I'm interested to see what happens with that.
Well, doesn't US always has their buddy Saudi-Arabia in Middle-East? (Yeah, like US ignores all the violations of human rights that happen in S-A as long as they are friends)

We also opened our reserves.
They had to get price lower. I heard in the news that prices were already lower but I don't hear how much. I swear it is not going to happen here in northern parts (I mean, up from central of the country)
BEcause reducing tax wasn't an option :lol:
God I love this tax-country.
^^Yep, that's who I was talking about. Saudi-Arabia. :lol:

Tax here is only like 7% on gas, but the governer of my state (not sure how if this happened in other states) has temporarily taken the tax off to give us a break. So gas went down to like $2.78 and there are people lined up to the street at the gas stations. Of course there are still people right off the interstate still charging $3.00 because they know people travelling through the state don't know it's that much cheaper. I think they should be allowed to arrest those people for charging that much... it's price gouging at it's finest.
around my area is like $2.59 - $2.99 per gallon...and i live on an island, i have to drive eveywhere i go
Tax here is only like 7% on gas, but the governer of my state (not sure how if this happened in other states) has temporarily taken the tax off to give us a break. So gas went down to like $2.78 and there are people lined up to the street at the gas stations.

If Finnish government would hear words "tax" and "reduce" in same sentence, they'd faint :lol: Like I said here about 60-65% in gasprice is tax.

I think the only tax they've reduced lately has been alcoholtax (LMAO! They are planning to rise it again, since people just started to buy it more. But if they rise it, people go to Sweden and Estonia to buy it from taxfree!)
and cartax when it comes to import cars.

Taken from Washington Post's Finland diary

Finns pay considerably higher taxes -- nearly half their national income is taken in taxes, while Americans pay about 30 percent on average to federal, state and local governments.

Anyways...gasprice. €1.38/l ain't so bad. Even I still remember it being €1.06/l in January. 1.38 is still 10 cents more expensive before hurricane.
Actually... a few weeks ago I went to store with mom. I was driving, drove by the gasstation what we normally use... I started to say "...did I just see right... was it 1.21?"
Mom starts to look back and say "heck, if it is..we are so going to fill the tank" :lol:
They had some card and electricity introduction so they had reduces price from 1.28 to 1.21 for that day. Someone else had noticed it too :lol:
If Finnish government would hear words "tax" and "reduce" in same sentence, they'd faint Like I said here about 60-65% in gasprice is tax.

Jeez! Here I was thinking 38% gas tax was a pain. The average Canadian income tax is midway between both.