Gas..How Much are you paying???

Here in Vancouver it's about $1.19 a litre. In order to find cheap gas you have to drive farther out in the city.
Here it has dropped from 1.349€/litre to 1.239€/litre :D in past few months. Don't know why to.
We're $3.15 a gallon! I never thought I'd say "That's great," but considering we were paying close to $3.50 for last few months, I'll take it. :lol:
In Charleston, WV, I just paid $2.36 a gallon. Around the valley, prices currently vary from $2.24 to $2.99 a gallon. It was at a high of $3.09 price a couple of months ago.
I pay nothing cause i don't drive do pay $3 dollars for my bus pass though, but my dad can only fill half a tank with $20.00.
You guys are paying $2.12? Holy cow! I'm from Upstate, NY, and we're still ranging anywhere from $2.69 (woo!) up to $3.19, depending on how lazy you are, and how far out of your way you want to drive. NY has a huge tax on gas, though, so... yeah. Last week, I heard that there was a place in Iowa where people were paying something like $2.06, and that was before our gas went down ten cents. I dunno what I'd do if I saw a gas price around $1 something!
Yeah, here the lowest I've seen it is $2.17 a gallon, which is great because not long ago it was nearly $3. Also, I don't have to hear the excuse I can't go somewhere because of how much gas costs. :D