"Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

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Fans of Gary, come on over to the Birthday Wishes thread to wish him a happy 41st birthday.
Hey everyone. I have not bin on in a while. Just wondering how my fellow Warrick fans where fairing. With all the stuff thats bin going on with him on the show.
Did any of you see him on "THE VIEW" this morning? charming a delightful, they all were throwing questions at him, left and right, but he rose to the ocassion, he was candid and funny, on the "paparazzi" incident, how "they were all up in his butt" and left his no choice, and he goes "I lost my temper" and about his gambling problem on CSl, and "lets have the black guy with a gambling problem" which they all laughed :D and his drug problem, he said "the only time I feel uncomfortable is with the romantic parts" he also mentioned his new movie "Black August" in which they showed a film clip! he's so likeable and darling :p
desertwind said:
Did any of you see him on "THE VIEW" this morning? charming a delightful, they all were throwing questions at him, left and right, but he rose to the ocassion, he was candid and funny, on the "paparazzi" incident, how "they were all up in his butt" and left his no choice, and he goes "I lost my temper" and about his gambling problem on CSl, and "lets have the black guy with a gambling problem" which they all laughed :D and his drug problem, he said "the only time I feel uncomfortable is with the romantic parts" he also mentioned his new movie "Black August" in which they showed a film clip! he's so likeable and darling :p

I'm gonna go on utube right now and get a clip. Thanks desertwind for the info. :)
Your so welcome, MsCatherineBrown my pleasure and if you find if on YouTube, please post it, so everyone can view it, that Elizabeth Hasselbeck, said "all the ladies were primping, knowing you were coming out" and he was like "ah, shucks" he looked darling he had on a a scarf around his neck, and was wonderful and so excited yet charming :p
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