"Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

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Most def desertwind ! I'm trying to find the clip. I does not seem to be on uTube yet. I will keep on looking and find it as soon as I do. I'm very exicted to see it.
Lord have mercy :p delish as well, could he be any handsomer? my daughter's fav. character is him, she made her boyfriend watch the two Warrick/back-to-back- eps. can't wait for the new eps. and see where their going with him and Cath ;)
Beautiful, and I'd love to see what his parents look like, to see where he did get those eyes, are they blue/green/ or greenish/blue or grey blue, they change, depending on the light at the time ;)
desertwind said:
Beautiful, and I'd love to see what his parents look like, to see where he did get those eyes, are they blue/green/ or greenish/blue or grey blue, they change, depending on the light at the time ;)

Always wondered that too. According to this site Link
"Dourdan was the youngest child in a family of five; a mixture of various ethnicities including, among others, African, European and Indian."

But I have not bin able to find pics of his parents yet, or more detailed information about his ethnic background. I'll keep looking.
WOW, that's interesting, thank's I didn't know those facts, Indian ;) I knew he had European in hs background, 4 siblings huh? I wonder where they all live? he comes to Vegas quite frequently, and parties at PURE nightclub and the PALMS, and has been seen with Jorja ;) it's in our local entertainment news! the next time it's written in the paper I'll put in on here ;)and some trivia, he hangs out as well with Billy, in L.A. and has been seen with him at the Dodger games!
desertwind said:
WOW, that's interesting, thank's I didn't know those facts, Indian ;) I knew he had European in hs background, 4 siblings huh? I wonder where they all live? he comes to Vegas quite frequently, and parties at PURE nightclub and the PALMS, and has been seen with Jorja ;) it's in our local entertainment news! the next time it's written in the paper I'll put in on here ;)and some trivia, he hangs out as well with Billy, in L.A. and has been seen with him at the Dodger games!

Thanks for the info! Heres a random pic. Saw this ep today. I like his hair in dreads and the scruff on his chin. DELISH!
Very nice, I'll bet he's been told all his life how pretty his eyes are :p remember that girl , the singer in the nightclub, with the same eyes as his, who did drugs, and he walked away from her, sorry I forget the ep. name, she kinda of had his same look, and light colored eyes too!
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