"Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

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Happy Birthday Felicia!!!

Figured u wouldnt mind the gang gathering around to wish you a happy birthday, especially with Warrick at the center of the festivity! :D (Besides, the other two guys arent too bad to look at either :p )

And I'll throw in a Gary shot for good measure! ;)

Mel23 said:
The girl looks a lot like him. Does he have other kids too?
Yep, he also has a son who should b 3 or 4 now named Lyric. :)
Happy bday Felicia :)

What's the girls name, if he said it, I missed it.

ETA: Found it, Nyla.

Wow, has anyone read his IMDB stats? Sad about his brother :(
lucky girl the mother, i'd say...
when i first knew he had kids, i was having a heart attack. -_-

lol, but they're soooo cute...u can see they're his children *ç*

btw, "hi" 2 everybody ;)
HI Dardeile! :) *waves*

I def agree, the mom's are very lucky for each kid. Gary's a very dedicated daddy from what I've seen and read in interviews. Just one more reason to love him so :D

Being hot too doesnt hurt ;)

Another goodie from season 7's premiere :D (Courtesy of The Gallery at An Evident Gamble )
Ru , I love you even more for posting these pictures!!! He looks so good this new season and I like, no love, the facial hair. Just the way I like it. :)
tsk tsk i haven't been here in aaages! hot pics, ladies.
i'm not gonna see the new season for some time yet. :( keep me updated on the happenings of my main vegas man!! :D

warrick... *dreamy sigh*
lol obviously you haven't seen me in the Mac Taylor NY thread...I like to fight and sneak and trick my way to the front any way I can :evil grin: Ask Lynn (Iheartnickcath) rofl.
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