"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Warrick's Lady: If you can get a free trial of ULead GIF Animator, I used to know that program pretty well. I think I could still walk you through it from memory in PM if you still wanna make that animated avatar. Just remember, you need to keep the file size SMALL, just just a few pics.

Okay and thanks for the heads up.

Also can you use caps to make the animated thingy?

I enjoyed the fic and I hope that you will write another one, Nik.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

No way Nik! You did a great job! I loved it. And it ended just like I knew it would and it was still powerful! Hope mine is half as good as yours!

You all need to watch "A Little Murder" again!! Warrick had on a GREAT pair of jeans in that one too. And the shirt........oh my goodness. I had forgotten how wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

WarricksLady, the avatar is AWESOME!!!!! Gosh, I love that smile...........

Nik, at least even with Warrick (oh maybe yours was Nick)distractions we got the FanFics going. Your end chapter and my beginning one!

Too bad I can't add pics of his jeans! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

MedicWarrickLvr: Hm...I was watching "Invisible Evidence" which is Warrick heavy w/ Nick in a clingy shirt, not to mention on the tape right after "Homebodies" which has Warrick's shirt off in the end (where rewind landed) so...um...multiple distractions? *L* Of course, if I saw the actors in something else, they wouldn't neccisarily attract me anymore, because the personality has a lot to do with what makes them hot (though they'd take their smiles with them).

So...getting back OT, anyone else think it's hot that Warrick is tough but sensative. That's so cool...


Addition: And THIS is NOT his personality. This is what I saw when I cued my tape up (as mentioned above in this post).

First picture, second row.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I know we are talking about Warrick and his jeans but can we also talk about him in the CSI vest and the blue jumpsuit.


I don't think I can remember a time that Warrick has worn something that he didn't look good in. And if he did it must have went right over my head.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

HA HA HA! WarricksLady, me too. If he ever looked bad in ANYTHING I missed it too!

OK NIK.........HOT PICTURE.........I know what I'm going to be watching tonight........... :eek:

And the part about Warrick being tough and yet sensitive is probably the thing that attracts me to the character the most. He's rough tough, roll 'em kind of guy with a rough background, yet one of the most sensitive strong men I've seen portrayed. Makes me want to wrap my arms around him and just never let go. :cool:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I love that picture!!!!!!!!

If he's ever in a movie I wanna be in it and be his love interest, or just something so I could see him shirtless all the time
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ok......I'm watching "Bad to the Bone" and I have finally seen a scene where I'd change what Warrick was wearing! I thought THAT would never happen! In this ep in one scene he and Gris have on baseball caps! I just don't care for him in the cap! He looks like a 6"2" 10 year old with facial hair!

Show me that gorgeous hair man!!!! Leave the caps to Nicky!
And buy one for Greg!!!!!! :lol: LOL! Just kidding Greg fans!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

:lol: :lol: I remember that scene well. I just couldn't help but laugh. His 'fro stuck out the sides of the cap. :lol: Sorry Warrick, but your hair is too gorgeous to hide under that cap. (Same for Nicky, but the hat works for him. ;) )

Lol. Incredible Warrick ep I watched tonight. "Primum Non Nocere", wonderful Warrickness.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

I hate when they cover Warrick hair too. The man has gorgeous hair and it's a big part of who he is so, I say no more hats.

LabRat101, I love PNN and my heart just broke for Warrick. I so wanted to reach into my tv and give a big hug.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Believe it or not, I was actually LISTENING not looking, no matter how many times I replayed that. And, now, I don't have the tape (I think I told mom to tape this week's over it). Hm...I can either wait for reruns or screen caps and...er...not be so good this time.

Screan caps are already up.

This was the clearest view I could find.

Unfortunately, it's clearer of Cath than 'Rick.

I like when he and Nick were in the locker room and he was talking about his girlfriend Tina. I liked him in THOSE jeans.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

even my 10 year old sister is obsessed with Warrick...i guess i am to blame for that one cuz i made her watch CSI w/ me one night. after that we both were on the couch every Thursday night w/ our eyes glued to the TV and swooning over Warrick's hotness :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

even my 10 year old sister is obsessed with Warrick...i guess i am to blame for that one cuz i made her watch CSI w/ me one night. after that we both were on the couch every Thursday night w/ our eyes glued to the TV and swooning over Warrick's hotness :D

Smart kid........ ;)

And WarrickLuvsGreta I was so busy laughing my butt off about Warrick's story about Tina and being "naked as a porn star" without his gun and "packin' from now on" that I forgot to even look at his jeans that time! I was so cracked up by his whole dialogue with Nick! And him going back to the place and searching for the 2 guys the next day. That was absolutely hilarious!
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