"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
Yeah and the bit where he's talking to Lily atthe end and he says "You hiding from me" then see's her arm. Thats so sad yet so sweet all in one. Then of course leads on to my second fave Nick and Warrick scene-'the playing cards with my friend' scene! So lovely :)

I love that scene too but that would be my favorite Nicky scene! I love him in that scene :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
Yeah and the bit where he's talking to Lily atthe end and he says "You hiding from me" then see's her arm. Thats so sad yet so sweet all in one. Then of course leads on to my second fave Nick and Warrick scene-'the playing cards with my friend' scene! So lovely :)

I love that scene too. It's not my favorite Warrick scene but probably one of my favorite Warrick/Nick scenes.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hey guys its been awhile so watz new? Sorry I can't remember the last time I was able to get on here. Let me know wat I missed please. I tried to read it but mai eyes are sore from da computer screen.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

what's new...

Eh, I'll say that there's been marraige woes for our dear Warrick in the last few eps and he also got a recent butt chewing from Ecklie for an altercation with a suspect. No idea if there will b anymore Warrick in Time of Your Death this week but the next ep Bang Bang should give us LOTS of Warrick.

As far as Gary news... no news is good news from the last batch of news we got. :rolleyes: He's still single and available -if you dont mind fighting me for him. :D He's got a movie with Halle Berry coming up and he's been in two recent DMC music vids, one of which he sings and spits lyrics in. :cool:

Now for my fav Warrick scene... PFFFT... ONE SCENE?!! :eek: I've got to watch a few to choose. This year I'd have to say the one that stands out would b with the little boy, Jesse in Still Life

*Off to view eps for FAV scene then to read the new rules and regs*
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Ru , you summed it up perfectly and amen to the no news on his personal life is good news. The last things we heard were not that pretty, to say the least :)
Anyway, I decided that one scene was a challenge so I made a list of my favorite scene per season. I'm sorry, iwantboromir but ONE scene, what were you thinking? :lol:

-Season one: The scene where Warrick gives his phonenumber to the kid that accidently killed that little girl while talking to his grandpa on the phone in the car. It was the first scene that showed me how much he cared under that cool exterior.

Season two: The scene were Warrick checkmates Grissom. He is so smug and so cool and so absolutely hot while he does that :devil:

Season three: The sene I already mentioned, the Griss/Warrick fight.

Season four: His scene with the kid who set his house on fire in Bad Words. He is absolutely brilliant in that scene. He makes the kid trust him enough to tell him the complete story.

Season five: When they find Nick in Grave Danger, I think George made the whole cast act a notch better and it also reflected on Gary. I love his face when they tell him that he has to leave Nick when they just found him. He's so angry and scared, beautiful.

Season six: The Adam scene, to cute for words and so sweet.

Pfff, long post but this was kinda fun! You should try it some time :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
Ru , you summed it up perfectly and amen to the no news on his personal life is good news. The last things we heard were not that pretty, to say the least :)
Anyway, I decided that one scene was a challenge so I made a list of my favorite scene per season. I'm sorry, iwantboromir but ONE scene, what were you thinking? :lol:

Pfff, long post but this was kinda fun! You should try it some time :D

Hmm Joy, what was I thinking? I don't know what I was thinking earlier, but now I'm thinking you learned how to count to one from Ru!

and Ru, I'm sure you're being tortured by having to re-examine all the lovely Warrick footage.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
Hmm Joy, what was I thinking? I don't know what I was thinking earlier, but now I'm thinking you learned how to count to one from Ru!

I did not learn how to count from Ru :lol: :lol: You can't expect us Gary fanatics to have ONE favorite scene, it's not possible :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
iwantboromir said:
Hmm Joy, what was I thinking? I don't know what I was thinking earlier, but now I'm thinking you learned how to count to one from Ru!

I did not learn how to count from Ru :lol: :lol: You can't expect us Gary fanatics to have ONE favorite scene, it's not possible :D

:D Very true, Joy22!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

oh...god...if you got the TV Guide for this week you'd know... but WARRICK'S WIFE IS IN TROUBLE! and now i feel bad for wanting her to get kicked off the show...even though this might happen... >.< :(
TT_TT i feel like crying.... :( :(
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
Season six: The Adam scene, to cute for words and so sweet.

Is that the one where he takes the kids fingerprints and blows up the latex glove?? That was totally adorable. I love watching Warrick with kids...he's great with them.

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

iwantboromir said:
and Ru, I'm sure you're being tortured by having to re-examine all the lovely Warrick footage.
LOL... you have NO idea :devil:

  • Season 1... Hands down -I love a playful Warrick so fav ep has to b Anonymous

    Season 2... Primum Non Nocere LOVED him playing the piano

    Season 3... A Little Murder ship aside (YES, I'm serious) How can you not love Warrick opening his arms for a scared and vulnerable woman to cry in?

    Season 4... Invisible Evidence I cant see that bathroom scene enough. I like it when he loses it :lol:

    Season 5.... Big Middle The bet with Catherine, once again ship aside... he was so friggin seductive in that scene -He even shocked the temptress herself :devil:

    Season 6.... Well so far I'd have to go with Still Life, like Joy. Nothing more endearing than Warrick with the little ones. He's even funny with the bratty adolecents(thinking of Warrick and niece in law Darcy in The Unusual Suspect ) but I'll stick with endearing.
There... that's one for each season and that was hard as heck to do. :p

Tonight was about as thrilling as last week when it comes to Warrick time. :rolleyes: I didnt even honestly see a purpose to him being in either ep but I guess little Warrick is better than no Warrick.

Sorry you're so upset warricklover but the way they gave us Tina, and the trouble she's been for Warrick all season -I've been aching for her to go. Oh and she's not gonna b hurt... The spoilers say she's mistaken for the actual hostage. Yet fact remains that Tina shouldnt be in a casino aka hotel without hubby. :rolleyes: And from what spoilers say, Warrick's had no idea where she's been for a while. :mad: Funny how this case centers around cheating spouses.... How fitting. I dont want Tina to go away mad... just to go far FAR away. :p
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

ruzila said:
iwantboromir said:
and Ru, I'm sure you're being tortured by having to re-examine all the lovely Warrick footage.
LOL... you have NO idea :devil:

  • Season 1... Hands down -I love a playful Warrick so fav ep has to b Anonymous

    Season 2... Primum Non Nocere LOVED him playing the piano

    Season 3... A Little Murder ship aside (YES, I'm serious) How can you not love Warrick opening his arms for a scared and vulnerable woman to cry in?

    Season 4... Invisible Evidence I cant see that bathroom scene enough. I like it when he loses it :lol:

    Season 5.... Big Middle The bet with Catherine, once again ship aside... he was so friggin seductive in that scene -He even shocked the temptress herself :devil:

    Season 6.... Well so far I'd have to go with Still Life, like Joy. Nothing more endearing than Warrick with the little ones. He's even funny with the bratty adolecents(thinking of Warrick and niece in law Darcy in The Unusual Suspect ) but I'll stick with endearing.
There... that's one for each season and that was hard as heck to do. :p

Tonight was about as thrilling as last week when it comes to Warrick time. :rolleyes: I didnt even honestly see a purpose to him being in either ep but I guess little Warrick is better than no Warrick.

I know. So little Warrick time and I wonder why. I'm with you there. A little is better than none at all.

I also LOVED it when he played the piano in Primum Non Nocere. I haven't seen Anonymous, but based on what I do know about it isn't a Warrick heavy episode. I also love that moment in Invisible Evidence too. :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

csi_fanatic87 said:
I haven't seen Anonymous, but based on what I do know about it isn't a Warrick heavy episode.

Actually, compared to the screen time our man is getting in season six, Anonymous is a very Warrick heavy episode. Yes, he and Nick have the b-story but it gets a fair amount of screen time and some of the funniest Nick/Warrick scenes on the show so far. Including the famous; "You love me, who you kidding" line. I think the episode is gold for that line alone :lol: :lol:
Right, Ru? ;)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

omg! i havent seen that epi!!! i need to see it lol!!!
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