"Gary/Warrick Lovin Appreciation!!"

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Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

This is madness! Dee, what have you done to me? :lol: You can't expect me to pick just ONE picture!
But, after giving it a lot of thought, I did manage to find one.

The picture that I have chosen

I love the suit, the hair, the smile and the glasses. But most of all I love how this picture shows his laidback attitude! :D

I really adore that picture :)
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
This is madness! Dee, what have you done to me? :lol: You can't expect me to pick just ONE picture!

I did say it was a CHALLENGE! And evidently, counting to ONE is a challenge to RU But that's okay, I'll let it slide since she's helping me on my.....project. :D

Not to worry ladies, there is a reason behind my torturing of you, but you won't find out until later......muhahahaha :lol:
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

er...yeah. im surprised no one was complaining about what little screen time our boy had. I mean, c'mon...all he did is talk with nick for a couple seconds...and that's it. sounds like a rip off to me...either that or they were shooting another bigger & better ep w/ him... ^_^
and a pic, eh? it may be old-school, but here's one...

but it doesn't count as my favorite one...not yet...
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

warricklover, I agree 100%!

Sorry, I'm new here. So glad to be here because I love Warrick and I'm a HUGE fan of him. He's one of my favorite CSI: charaters. Nice to meet some other fans of Mr. Brown.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Welcome csi fanatic87, I hope you have fun here!

And Dee, you better give your reason for making me chose only one Gary pic soon, that was torture :lol: :lol:

I kinda liked Ru's solution to the problem of only one pic, smart girl that one :D
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

My friends and me are always wondering if Warrick's eyes colour is real or if he uses coloured contact-lens.
Do you know the answer?
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hormiga said:
My friends and me are always wondering if Warrick's eyes colour is real or if he uses coloured contact-lens.
Do you know the answer?

His eyes are naturally green. That's the 1st thing I fell in love with. I think his eyes are amazing.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

warricklover said:
er...yeah. im surprised no one was complaining about what little screen time our boy had. I mean, c'mon...all he did is talk with nick for a couple seconds...and that's it. sounds like a rip off to me...either that or they were shooting another bigger & better ep w/ him... ^_^
and a pic, eh? it may be old-school, but here's one...

but it doesn't count as my favorite one...not yet...

Hey warricklover I LOVE that pic....his eyes are so amazing in that pic....now only if we could get him to look at Catherine that way...I'd be a happy girl....Great avi btw.

Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

WarricksBabyGirl said:
warricklover said:
er...yeah. im surprised no one was complaining about what little screen time our boy had. I mean, c'mon...all he did is talk with nick for a couple seconds...and that's it. sounds like a rip off to me...either that or they were shooting another bigger & better ep w/ him... ^_^
and a pic, eh? it may be old-school, but here's one...

but it doesn't count as my favorite one...not yet...

Hey warricklover now only if we could get him to look at Catherine that way...


I'm with you there!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Okay ladies good pics so far......I'm still needing more, so those of you that haven't posted one, please do. Now here's a new CHALLENGE

What's your favorite Warrick scene?

ONE scene, Ru, only ONE

And Joy have patience! Anyone who posts an answer to my challenges will get a PM when the time comes.

....hmmm, starting to see where this is leading yet?
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Hmmm my faverite Warrick scene eh? Wow thats a toughie! Ok here goes:
Oh the one where he goes in the pool to get that cuff link and Nick comes out and says "Marco" and Warick sighs and yes "Polo" Hang on, I'll find the Eppie then i'll be back to edit it!!! Oh and heres a pic for ya! And I still dont know what ep it is but its the one where the brother and sister kill that famous showgirl...Oh the one where Greg wears the headdress!!!
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

My favorite Warrick scene? That is the scene from Random Acts of Violence in which he and Gil have a fight. First off, I love Warrick mad but I also love this scene because it shows how much Warrick is willing to say to his boss. His line: "I'm not like you, Griss. I'm not a robot, I actually care about these people", it gets me every time. He may have screwed up in that episode but it also showed that Rick is willing to stand up for the people he believes in, even if it means going against Grissom. I also happen to think that this is exactly the reason why Warrick is Griss his favorite, Rick is never afraid to speak his mind when he's around his boss.

Wow, that was a long explanation but there you have it...My favorite Warrick scene.
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Joy22 said:
My favorite Warrick scene? That is the scene from Random Acts of Violence in which he and Gil have a fight. First off, I love Warrick mad but I also love this scene because it shows how much Warrick is willing to say to his boss. His line: "I'm not like you, Griss. I'm not a robot, I actually care about these people", it gets me every time. He may have screwed up in that episode but it also showed that Rick is willing to stand up for the people he believes in, even if it means going against Grissom. I also happen to think that this is exactly the reason why Warrick is Griss his favorite, Rick is never afraid to speak his mind when he's around his boss.

I agree with you. I loved that scene but my all time favourite scene was in Premum Non Nocere towards the end when Nick asks if he wants to talk about it and he says "You don't know me." I was angry that he was rude but then i saw his 'You don't know me' face and i couldnt help forgiving him. I just kept watching it over and over thinking "he did NOT just say that!" but then "ohhh how can i stay angry at you?!?!"
Re: Warrick Can WEAR his jeans well!

Yeah and the bit where he's talking to Lily atthe end and he says "You hiding from me" then see's her arm. Thats so sad yet so sweet all in one. Then of course leads on to my second fave Nick and Warrick scene-'the playing cards with my friend' scene! So lovely :)
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