Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

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Fruitbat said:
darksheep said:
I caught the tail end of Ransom this past weekend. Totally hot villian, he was. A huge reason I like NY is precisely because I can get a weekly GS fix, but I have to admit, films are really where he shines.

I know what you mean about the movies but every now and then in NY we get a glimpse of just how good an actor he is and we get a scene where he just blows us away.

Yea, that first scene in '...Comes Around' where he's holding Clay Dobson over that building...damn he looks evil, and i love the camera work on that too...
^Yeah! Evil is the word :devil:

I think my favorite Gary moment in NY was when he was talking to Reed in the diner. Especially when Reed stood up to leave. His eyes and his mouth (even his jaw!); his whole demeanor was just heartbreakingly *real*. I was thisclose to crying myself, sniff.

See! I still get affected :p

But anyway, heheh, I *finally* got a copy of A Midnight Clear and Mission to Mars (go me!) Heh. I hope to watch them this weekend.
yeah evil is the word, followed by yummy, hot, sexy, can i have you now, comeoniwannalayyou, types. :D

You still get affected?? I think your in love with the Reed moment, Ra.
ranma said:
^Yeah! Evil is the word :devil:

I think my favorite Gary moment in NY was when he was talking to Reed in the diner. Especially when Reed stood up to leave. His eyes and his mouth (even his jaw!); his whole demeanor was just heartbreakingly *real*. I was thisclose to crying myself, sniff.

See! I still get affected :p

But anyway, heheh, I *finally* got a copy of A Midnight Clear and Mission to Mars (go me!) Heh. I hope to watch them this weekend.

See that whole ep is one of my favorite eps..the interaction with Reed and Flack is just great to watch. But like you I love the scene in the dinner.

As for Midnight Clear its an amazing film and Gary is excellent in it. Mission to Mars is a fav of mine but its a film youl love or hate. I hope you get peace to watch them this weekend.
That scene in the diner gets me too

:lol: it is very real, and that just shows what an amazing actor Gary all Kudos to him :D
I love that scene.





I know these should be in the Mac thread but I thought as we were discussing it they would be apreciated.
Nice pics!

he is so intense,'d never be able to fight wih him, although...after seeing him as Jimmy Shaker and Gabriel i dont really fancy getting on his bad side lmao

i love his wife beaters he wears when he's a badass, it's sexy as hell!
I love Apollo 13 he looks soooo good in the movie.. :D But agree the scene in his bedroom is ..*droolworthy* As is the scene in Ransom when he strips... :devil:
i remember watching Ransom when i was really little like...10 or 11 and it freaked me out and Gary scared the crap outta me!

but then as i got older i fell in love :D

and that scene where he get's his A$$ out XD ahaha...i LOVE IT!
Yes he really does have very nice assets.. :devil:

But as villains go Jimmy Shaker is one of THE best. I remember him saying in an interview he was worried about taking that roll, and how some of the scenes he had to do with the child, made him very uncomfortable.

But god he was excellent in it. Plus he looked DAMN good in the movie. He does do evil very well.
Oooh, so many nice Gary pics. I especially like the Mac ones from 'Consequences' the first being my absolute fave. Gary's acting in that scene is amazing, and as someone above said, heartbreakingly real. The way Gary clears his throat and the look he gets in his eyes, the way he uses his face just make the scene utterly believable. And I like Evil!Mac in the first scene of Comes Around too, though of course we all know Mac would never really do anything like that.

I love Gary in wifebeaters too, he looks sooooooooo hot. He wears on in Of Mice and Men, too.
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