Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

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As Christmas is just around the corner I thought I would post a nice seasonal pic. That and the fact that I adore the movie.. :D

OMG nice to see that pic again FB. Wouldn't Gary go great with Dancing with the Stars?Come to think of it, I'd even dance with him around the Crhistmas tree in private. :devil:
'Dancing with the Stars' isn't that the show that came off the British one 'Strictly come Dancing'? I think I get the US one on digital and I would love to see gary on it...there is no way in the world that this man could be a bad dancer but if he was I wouldn't vote him out :devil:

FB thanks for the pic I really want to see that movie but cant find it anywhere!!
You have to get it from the US Try thats where I got mine. I have never seen it available in the UK.

Its a Hallmark movie so even try their site and you may be able to get it from them but my money would be on Amazon.
Sorry Natty I thought you mentioned that you had gotten your NY box set from the US so I thought you could play R1. :(

As far as I know Fallen Angel has never been issued outside the US. :(
A repost of a few fave Fallen Angel pics to tide you over until you can get to see it.

~ Terry Towel anyone?

~ Makes me see only the good in snow and winter...

~ Plus one more from July at Cantigny Park, a nice shot of Gary and Kimo (pic from the great Lt.DanBand site).

I caught the tail end of Ransom this past weekend. Totally hot villian, he was. A huge reason I like NY is precisely because I can get a weekly GS fix, but I have to admit, films are really where he shines.
darksheep said:
I caught the tail end of Ransom this past weekend. Totally hot villian, he was. A huge reason I like NY is precisely because I can get a weekly GS fix, but I have to admit, films are really where he shines.

I know what you mean about the movies but every now and then in NY we get a glimpse of just how good an actor he is and we get a scene where he just blows us away.
Yep and did I read somewhere he just signed a new contract on CSINY for untill 2011?? If so we're stuff with this sexy man for a while but whos complaining!
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