Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Elwood!! :eek: How long have you been hiding that pic?!?

Anyway... i'm here to say my goodbyes before I jet off to the sun tomorrow morning! I'll miss you guys and those lovley Gary pics that you give us *sniff*

*Nat walks out waving*
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Just wanted to remind any of you that want to take part in Gary's Christmas Fan Project . To please let me know. I need to know how many want to do this. So that I will know what size scrapbook to buy. Thanks Angela
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Holy sh**! El and LMH, the pics of Gary are just amazing hot. Thanks guys! ;)

EL The same question I asked myself, too. :lol: Gary's just too hot to hide those pics.. :devil:

LMH Now he's locked..great work! How did you do that? :lol: So who's turn is it now, who will get him first? If you don't mind, guys, I'm the first to go in there. :devil: :devil: I'll have fun with him..who wants to join? :p :devil:

Natty *waves back* Hope to see ya soon again. ;)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

LMH Now he's locked..great work! How did you do that? So who's turn is it now, who will get him first? If you don't mind, guys, I'm the first to go in there. I'll have fun with him..who wants to join?

**Yes, by all means, you go first.***The key is right there, missed you by the way...**GIANT HUGS*** :D :D

Have fun, and I'll join you later :devil: ;)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

*dances in circles* Macky's mine yet.. :devil: :devil: but you'll get him, too, don't worry. :p
Yeah, together it'll be more fun with Macky. :D

Aww, missed you, too. *positiv surprised about these GIANT hugs, hugs you tight* :D
Btw, Sorry for not giving you feedback earlier but I'll review your vids and poems this weekend, this okay? ;)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Take your time, they will always be there. :D :D

And have fun with Macky, though be careful, as he may still have bruises from us Pac girls, who stole him from Peyton, for a tackling good time, and hot tub :devil: :devil:. So have fun :devil: :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

We seem to be drifting into Mac territory so I thought I would post a pic to get us back on topic.


Tries to look innocent...and fails miserably...

Well we were talking about having our wicked way with him weren't we.....and we don't want him running away... :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Sorry bout that....Got carried away with Mackypoo. :p :lol:

Anyways back on topic...Enjoy our Sinister Gary. :D :D

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Oh my, but those pics cure a hangover like you wouldn't believe...

Spencer, Spencer, Spencer... - it's for medical research, really, you're gonna cure me of all my woes, oh yes you are...

Thanks for the piccies, chiquitas, supremely niiiiiiiiice...

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Yes I am rather fond of those pics of Spencer....cant think why :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Oh I'm thinking a few things, a few not very subtle things at all...

Didja see the special features? (on the DVD I mean :lol::devil:) When doing a pre-shot setup, Gary's joking about having been strapped in for 20 minutes while waiting for Vincent D'Onofrio to arrive - I'm thinking the set-dressers and art department were really just trying to make things look pretty... same with wardrobe, frankly... :devil: :devil: :devil:


I am feeling better tho... :p
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Just as well I wasn't working on the film. Once they had him all strapped in I would have sent everyone off to look for Vincent then I would have put up a CLOSED SET sign and kept him all to myself :devil: :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Evil, naughty, cheeky, and I totally wish I'd a thoughta that first... :lol:

Can I just take a moment here to again thank the wardrobe department?
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Heeeelllllooooo (I have no idea what it is in greek!)

I have just popped on to say hi! I am nice and brown yayy!!

I loved those pics up therre guys- I didn't think it was possible to heat this island up any more but you sure proved me wrong :devil:

Ok I might pop in again on friday before I go off to wales... bye xx
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Natty mentioned on the Mac thread that there were no guys by the pool that looked like Gary. So for Natty I found a pool picture

:eek: :eek: :eek:
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