Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Sphinx here misacz on Sinise Daily Posted this lovely shot a few days back its a behind the scenes shot from ..Comes Around.

It is a lovely smile isnt it... :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

awwwww, Dimply Gary!!! *slurp* :devil: :lol:

Thankees for pics, FB!

Not that we've been inundated with pics lately, but here's a few more, from a Conan O'Brian appearance from March 2001, while he was in New York doing One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest with Steppenwolf on Broadway.




Oh Gary. So serious. Needs to loosen up a bit, no?
If those don't put a smile on your face, I don't know what will... :D :D :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

ranma said:
^To add to that, I saw a Melina interview where she says that Gary is like a 12-year-old when he's playing the bass :D

12 is about right....then there's the 17 year old version who nibbles on Gina's neck every once in awhile on stage <g> Lucky woman.
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Elwood21 said:
awwwww, Dimply Gary!!! *slurp* :devil: :lol:

Thankees for pics, FB!

Not that we've been inundated with pics lately, but here's a few more, from a Conan O'Brian appearance from March 2001, while he was in New York doing One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest with Steppenwolf on Broadway.

Dear God, Elwood... If I didn't know better, from these pics I'd say Gary was the lovechild of Red Skelton with those facial expressions!! That's just way too funny!!

Thanks for posting those! I have the Cuckoo's nest poster bill hanging on my wall at home. Hope to get it signed *sometime* :)

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

12 is about right....then there's the 17 year old version who nibbles on Gina's neck every once in awhile on stage <g> Lucky woman.

:lol: too right...

you're pretty lucky too, at least you've had opportunity to see the band... *envyenvyenvyenvyenvy...*

happy y'all like da pics, (and thanks NB & FB for all of your recent prezzies :D) I just luv seeing pics that show a different side to him than is often portrayed lately due to the prevalence of "serious" Mac & the show., if/when you ever get it signed, you'll share the whole story with us, yes? (nudge :p)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Page 21!!!

Hey guys not sure if I have told you but this friday i'm going way for two weeks! And a few weeks back I said i'd open the new thread so just in case you post like wild fire while i'm away some else will have to open!! But I hope i'm back in time! :)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

you're pretty lucky too, at least you've had opportunity to see the band... *envyenvyenvyenvyenvy...*

Yeah, I'll admit that I'm lucky in that aspect. Just got the tickets in the mail forth November gig at the Galaxy. Heard rumors of a possibility of a late August show in Santa Barbara, but haven't been able to confirm/deny it. I do know they're in Vegas on 9/2 so that'd be a chance for anyone in that area., if/when you ever get it signed, you'll share the whole story with us, yes? (nudge :p)
LOL. Yes, I would. I'm tempted to take it to the concert with it all packaged in mailer with a pen and ask Gina to give it to his PA. At least there'd be a chance of it finding it's way home to me. But, we'll see. I'd really like to have a signed pic of he and Melina more than that poster since it feels a bit unfair since I've not seen him on stage. (And watching True West on VHS doesn't count. Dear Lordy is that thing a sleeper... Gary's adorable and you laugh at the hair and glasses, but I still haven't been able to watch the entire thing.)

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Hi guys I'm new to this thread but not CSI:NY.. Anyway I just wanted to let you all know that I'm dong a christmas scrapbook for Gary. It was started over at But I thought that I would invite anyone over here on this thread that wants to join in. I will be giving this to him in person. He will be here in Florida where I live at Christmas time. I have known him for a # of years. So I know that he will love this from his fans. If you all have any ? e-mail me at or pm me here. Thanks
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Thanks for the invite, Snickersfan, that's fabulous.

A lovely notion, I'll check you out on that later down the road a little.

Thanks very much (and welcome) :)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Wonderful idea & project, Snickersfan! I'll definitely check it out!

Oh, those pics from the Conan show are hilarious! Now, that's the Gary I recall from the Actor's Studio interview! He was serious when talking about his craft etc., of course, but he had these hilarious one-liners that he would slyly inject into the conversation here and there, and he had folks cracking up. His face is so expressive, I love watching him!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Sphinx said:
I would love to see Mac nibble on Peyton's neck.

::shudders:: That'd be one big ol' h*ll NO.

And especially on stage....

::still shudders at the thought::
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