Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I' getting sick of the rain!!(Well it's stopped at the moment)

I saw that Slideshow too it's great!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.


Hello Ladies, brought dreamy seductive pic for ya'll. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

See him looking into your eyes, telling you without words, to lay by his side, So he can caress and pet you right, underneath the blackened moonlight night :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Also "Take my Breath Away Part 2 is up :D.

See ya LMH :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Thanks LMH, i'm not feeling to good to day but I definatly feel a little better now :devil:!!

EDIT:Oh yay I just noticed that I have reached CSI Level 2!!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

..... well hellooooooo... um Stu?? or curious George??

er, I mean, um, Hi!! everyone... :lol: sorry, distracted there for a second... and very very very tired.

hope you've all been keeping well :D Back home tomorrow. See yas ;)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Nice pic, hey Elwood isnt it George in OMAM? I could be wrong but it looks like George...I will just need to study the picture more closely.. :D :D You know just to make sure you undestand.. :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

well, you're right, I'm sure.

I'm personally just a sucker for Stu...

... but you should also undertand I've been operating on less than three hours of sleep per night since I left, and am likely prone to hallucinating. Not unpleasantly, you know, just inaccuratley...

...*sigh* lord I need some sleep. Whoever that there handsome man is, I'd luv to be able to curl up with him right about now, lemme tell ya... :lol: :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Elwood welcome back.

Totaly undersatandable, personaly I have a LARGE soft spot for Stu and seeing as you mentioned him have a pic to welcome you home.


Ahhh I knew I had a pic of George floating around.

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

*inhales deeply* aaaaaaaaaaah! :p
(before, I was thinking of the part where stu's lying on the ground too, broken leg et al. I think I just like whatever incarnation gary's in to be lying prone... :devil:)

super sweeeeet, Fruitbat! Thankees!! I'll hafta savour that tonite, I'm onna road again inna morning...

thanks!! :D :D :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Its 2:40am and I should be in bed but I knew I had these on my PC somewhere.

For Elwood




Dont you just love when he bites his lip like that..*sigh*


Poor baby maybe I should just take him home and nurse him back to health...:devil: :devil: :devil:


And a gratuitous butt shot cause Gary has a very nice ass.



Stu was my first Gary obsession and cant you just see why..*THUD*
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

* El dances about gleefully, ignoring all perplexed looks *

oh, Fruitbat, what hav you done??? :lol: :lol: (I knew there was a plaid commonality with those...)


w w w w


~ WIBBLE ~ ...*thud.*

*staggers up, falls over again* ohmydearwordgoodchristalmighty... er, *thud.* sorry. juuuuuuust need a sec here, just a girl and her gutter, a gutter and her girl...

makes me bite my lip too, alright. :lol::devil:

oh yes, I shall have sweeet dreams tonight. most emphatic gleeful thanks fruitbat, what little of my mind I had remaining is sooooooo far down the depths of gutter space, I may need to book an extra ticket just to make sure I can get home again - wait a second, the gutter IS my home...:lol:

g'nite, sleep *sweet* y'all, see yas soon enough :p
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Oooooooh! *dribble drool* Wounded, dusty, sweaty & stubbly Stu! Lying prone & vulnerable! *heavy dreamy sigh* Whatta way to start out my day! :D Thankee, thankee!!!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

So gritty, so stubbly, so very very fiiiine... :p

I had to back up a page and take another gander at those pics. My gawd but that man just... just inspires such -*slips* *thud* *splish*

~ *crawls back out of the gutter* ~

(That's a fantastic way to come home, lemme tell ya. Thanks again for all the piccies!! :D :D :D)

But I do not return from my travels empty handed. I bring more piccies too, because I feel the need to share Gary goodness amongst those who best appreciate it and carry their own towels, drool buckets and cleaning supplies...

~ a lil bashfull Terry...

~a lil glowering Stu...

~a chatty behind the scenes Gary from Imposter...
spencerbts24bittru400pirx4.jpg, that big??? really???? no possible way... :devil: :devil: :devil: :lol: He does have nice hands though doesn't he?
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

^ SiniseDaily Pics: oh gods*DAMN*!!

nice pics, that Glenda is such a lucky woman, and sweet to post them. (I think she actually may have been the one to snap that Goofy Gary shot too, come to think of it.)

I luv those arms, and that was a very nice choice of shirt too, he's looking mighty fine... (serious dribble here). Yeah, Ranma, me too - I'm severely envious right now. I'd love to be able to see the band play someday. Dunno when that's ever gonna happen, so I live vicariously, and on occassional YT vids too. Those are some great pics, thanks very much for posting the link to them!
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