Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Moska, thanks for sharing your lucky concert going stories!

I wasn't able to make the drive go see them when they played near Niagara in Canada, and am kicking myself now as that's likely as close as I'll ever get for a while. I've heard the band is fabulous from other people luckier than me, and I'm glad to hear the same from you too. :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I always go with the mindset that I'm going to have fun no matter what :) The January concert didn't go as well as it normally does. They ended up having some serious audio issues throughout a good portion of the evening and it wasn't difficult to tell that Gary was *not* a happy camper. A trooper yes, because they motored through the problems eventually, but definitely not one of their better evenings. A group of us went and that made it all the more fun!

Dug up one of the pics at the November '06 concert. Gary danced himself out into the audience on a table... :)

I did want to add... Everyone check out the individual band member links at Many of them (Gina, Carol , Kimo and Ben (I think)) have albums available. Why do I bring this up? Well, whereas the band is pretty much a hobby for Gary and his way to help as a part of the USO, the rest depend on income from their gigs with LTDB and sales of their own work to make a living. No one has hit it particularly big yet and every little they can make keeps living possible...just like the rest of us working folks :)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I read that Melanie Doane, a violinist/fiddler that's played with the band (and a canadian - yay!) signed with a label that Gary's involved with; she's really starting to do well and getting more recognition. Good for her - and like Moska has said, some have their own websites which are fun to check out. Gary seems to be involved in a lot of different things - where does he find the time??

Moska, that's a great shot you took of Gary. I'm soooo envious you've seen the band (on several occassions no less!!)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Thanks, moska! So nice to see you post more :cool:

Hold on, am I the only one who went like this ---> :eek: when I read this part:

Moska said:

(...and nibbling on Gina's neck at another *are* memorable highlights!)

Dammmmmmit! Now not only do I want to see the band live, I want to be a bandmember, too! :lol:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

ranma said:
Thanks, moska! So nice to see you post more :cool:

Thanks for the welcome :) Aren't you supposed to be working on a M/S story or something?? There's such a dearth of good fic I'll just have to start pestering folks :)

Hold on, am I the only one who went like this ---> :eek: when I read this part:

Moska said:

(...and nibbling on Gina's neck at another *are* memorable highlights!)

Dammmmmmit! Now not only do I want to see the band live, I want to be a bandmember, too! :lol:

Yep, wondered if anyone caught that. We sure did and I even teased Gina about it. It looks great on vi... :fwap: ::whistles innocently:: Repeat after me..."That moment exists only in memory...."

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

ranma said:
Hold on, am I the only one who went like this ---> :eek: when I read this part:

Moska said:

(...and nibbling on Gina's neck at another *are* memorable highlights!)

Dammmmmmit! Now not only do I want to see the band live, I want to be a bandmember, too! :lol:

Moska said:
Yep, wondered if anyone caught that. We sure did and I even teased Gina about it. It looks great on vi... :fwap: ::whistles innocently:: Repeat after me..."That moment exists only in memory...."


I caught that oh so casually phrased little nugget too - I just didn't know what to say about it! :lol:

:D Well, every band needs to have chemistry onstage - and it seems they have a lot of laughs as a group.
In keeping, here's a few fun stage moments I found thru their website. (often individual photographers are not mentioned, so I don't know who took them). Lord what I wouldn't give to get to see a show some day...

Gina seems to have a way with words - I wonder song this was? Love the look on his face...

June 2006, NSA Concert

Hmmm, I wonder who said what to whom here...?

May 2005, European USO Tour

Kimo & Gary groovin' downstage

Nov. 2005, Joe's Bar, Chicago

Gina & Gary having a moment onstage... or they just found his contact lens...

Rockin' For The Troops, 2005

It must be a riot to be on a tour with them! I'll have to live vicariously. *sigh* :p
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.


Thanks!I haven't seen them before :)!So have you ever seen him on stage?I wish I did! ;)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

thanks moska for the links and your report about the concerts. I'd really like to see the band once but I live in Europe so i guess i can wait til i'm old and grey :lol:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Moska said:
Pssst... Elwood?
That's Mari Anne in those pics
:eek: oops!!!! supremely embarrassed red face here :lol: ...well, what do I know? :lol:
They do look like they're having fun, I still wish I was there, and, if only to learn their names correctly, I should really make an effort to get to see them on their next rare appearance northwards... (I should do both anyways). *sigh* I've always been really utterly horrible with names, and worse, I have no excuse. Just a few synapses missing there somehow.

:D Apologies for the mistake and absolutely thanks to Moska both for the gentle correction and for the true inside scoop!

:p ...i'm perpetually envious - please if you do get to see another LA show and chat with any of the band: tell them to visit Canada again!! BTW I've read he's gone to Iraq several times, but does anyone know if has he ever managed to visit NATO troops in Afghanistan?

So that being the case, Gary sure seems like he's a big flirt on stage... :)lol: um, how many bandmates DOES he *nibble* on per show? :lol:)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Oh pish... don't worry about it :) Was just teasing you there for a second :)

Yes, Gary's been to AFG. I *think* Kimo has gone with him on those trips and not the entire band but I'm not sure if it was to strictly US forces or to NATO.

So far I've only seen him nibble on Gina's neck but I did tell her that I felt she was the luckiest woman in the building just for that ;)

If you want a good chuckle...follow the link at LTDB to Jeff Vezain's myspace...and then check out the story in his blog about their latest flight to Europe in May. *Very* funny material.

Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

:lol: I did read his blog - I think everyone's had a similar travelling story along those lines.

Personally I somehow think its worse when the thong in question is not on a body of the century, but the owner thinks it is... Also uncomfortable is the bad speedo on a guy who thinks it's a good look... I travel by train quite often and have encountered both, um, uncomfortable scenarios... You don't want the outer seat when the Speedo walking the aisle has to make way for the tea trolley... **shudder** (at least I didn't have to sit next to him)

Psssst - - um, what did Gina have to say...? :lol:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Fruitbat said:
OOOhhh East Texas, Stu my first Gary love.....errr umm I think you can take that as a yes.. :D The Stand is still on of my favorite Gary film he just looks SO good in it and Stu is SO adroable.

Oooh, lovely Stu!
I just finished watching The Stand, and loved it. I like the storyline, despite the fact that the film was done in '94 (?) and the book earlier, I felt it could be set today, the storyline is almost scarily possible since the events of Sept 2001 and July '05.
And OMG, Stu is HOT!!! Love that accent of his, *thud*. And he's such a sweet, good, adorable guy. I loved every scene with him in, especially the ones with him and Molly Ringwald's character. My fave Stu scene is where he has the dream where he's in Mother Abigail's cornfield without a shirt. I love this scene for two reasons:

1) He has no shirt on. :devil: ;)

2) That part where he says to Mother Ab. 'Who are you, really?' - there was something in his eyes and his voice there that made Stu seem adorably innocent and sweet.

I liked the other good guys too, and Flagg was very evil but very funny sometimes too.

So, I really liked The Stand, and Stu is my Number 2 Gary Love. (Mac is, and always will be, my first, and my Number 1 Gary Love) But then where do I put George Milton from OMAM? He and Stu can be joint-second... :)
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