Game: Brain Freezers

ooh..of coruse I've set board to me to DD/MM/YY of course :eek: but Dynamo1's question just was in wrong order :p
i don't like the dates if it's the wrong way around, it just gets so annoying! :rolleyes: I don't know anyone can stand it! :confused:
Oooh... I should stop using stereotypes "americans use this and that" well... Jeff laughed at our 24-h clock :|
Cat got the house answer correct. As for the rest of you, would you write the time as 34:12? I can't help if you do things backwards. :lol: Probably drive on the wrong side of the road, too.

How far can a dog run into the woods. No metrics, please. :lol:
we drive on the right side! And WE write dates normally!
as far as there is woods?
Posted by DaWacko:
Oooh... I should stop using stereotypes "americans use this and that" well... Jeff laughed at our 24-h clock :|
your what? :confused: (as you know, i am not very bright!) :lol:
yes we do! Like every friggn' Nordic country. I've just learnt to use 12h clock so it would be easier to communiccate wwith someone who doesn't :p
like...I was born on th Jan at 13:20
and that's it.
Hmm..I probably start using it here now...
Oh, like that. I get confused with that sort of stuff... and my VCR uses it... so i am a very confuzzled person... :rolleyes:
It doesn't take much to confuzzle you, Cat. ;) Can we get back to the current question?

How far can a dog run into the woods?
If the dog runs into the wood, the wood would stop him, and you'd better take him to a vet, he may have a concussion. <deadpans>