Game: Brain Freezers

Correct, Cat. That one took awhile. Let's see how you do on this one.

A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long would the pills last?
Nope, S.J.. Wrong answer. That would be too easy. Check a clock or watch while reading it again.
Posted by Dynamo1:
A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long would the pills last?
1 hour.
You'd have to take the first, after half an hour you would take the second and half an hour later you would take the third. :rolleyes:
Posted by Dynamo1:
A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long would the pills last?

As long as it doesn't last for more than 4 hours, in which you should seek immediate medical help!
Yes, Cat, there are twelve in a dozen of anything. Well, that does it for my list of questions. Hope you enjoyed these. Feel free to post your own. Meanwhile, I'll keep looking for more.
Yay! Aww, well i hope that you find more soon! Just so you know, all the brain freezers rocked! :D looking forward to anymore.
Okay, i have a puzzle...

There are three guys- they have one dollar each, and they all want to play a game of cricket. But they've lost their last cricket ball so they go to buy one. They see a friend of theirs walking along and one of them says: "Hey, Ben, do you know where we can buy a used cricket ball?" Ben knows where to get everything. "My cousin has one," he tells them. "Will he sell it for three dollars?" One of the guys ask. "I think so." Ben says.
Okay, Ben goes off with a fistfull of change- three dollars, okay? He finds his cousin and says, "do you still have that cricket ball for sale?" His cousin shows him the ball and it's kind of daggy so Ben says, "I'll give you two-fifty for it."
The cousin agrees to the two-fifty and Ben gives him the money and walks away with the cricket ball- plus fifty cents.
But, now Ben has a problem: how is he going to split the fifty cents three ways? I mean, he can't give his friends sixteen and two-third cents each, can he?
He goes back to his mates and tells him that he got the ball for two dollars seventy ($2:70) He gives them the ball and gives them each ten cents back.
They're happy, he's happy. He wasn't trying to make a profit on the deal, but it was easier to pocket the twenty cents then trying to split it.

Here's the puzzle: they each paid ninety cents. Like they gave him a dollar each and he gave them back each ten cents. Three times ninety is two dollars seventy. Two dollars seventy plus the twenty cents he has in his pocket is two dollars ninety, right?

So what happened to the extra ten cents? :confused: