Game: Brain Freezers

Correct, Captain. Agertays, if you have any questions that have not been asked, feel free to post them. I am running out of questions on my list, so if you enjoy these, bring them on.

Janie and Joannie start from their home and each run 2 miles. Janie can run a mile in 8 minutes 30 seconds and Joannie can run a mile in 9 minutes 10 seconds. When they finish running, what is the farthest apart they can be?
They'd be in almost the same place right? i mean they ran a mile each, from the same place... :confused:
It doesn't say which way they run. If they run AWAY from each other, if we consider that they live together, then each runs 2 miles, so they are seperated by 4 miles. (If they don't start at the same place, then this question is variable.)
wow! i would never have thought of that! i would have done some lenghty mathematical calculations...i'm so dumb when it comes to these questions!
Correct, CaptainM. The speed they run had nothing to do with it, just a little extra info to confuse people. The furthest distance would be in opposite directions.

What is the significance of the following: The year is 1978, thirty-four minutes past noon on May 6th.
thirty four minutes past noon on the sixth day of may, nineteen hundred seventy eight, isn't that 12:34 on 5/6/78?
Correct, Captain. The numbers 1 through 8 can be represented in consecutive order.

A man was born in 1955. He's alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible?
Correct, ThisIsMe.

What four-leg animal can jump higher than a house.
(Full size house for humans; not a dollhouse or dog house.)
Posted by CaptainMiracle51:
thirty four minutes past noon on the sixth day of may, nineteen hundred seventy eight, isn't that 12:34 on 5/6/78?

GRRRRRR! How I should know that because you americans keep writing dates in wrong order!
with all NORMAL sense, it would be 12:35 on 6/5/78 :p
D/M/Y doesn't it make any sense?
lol i feel the same way, i get soo confused, but luckily i changed that option so for me its shows up DD/MM/YYYY :lol: