G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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I'll settle for the tent if he keeps working in the field like that. Unless I get him for a tumble in the hay...

Like we would get any building done with him around. But he sure would be nice to look at. All hot and sweaty.

*counts to 10*

*refrains from making any puns involving the word "erect"*

Yes, GoodLittleWench, I daresay the sight of him would be distracting. :D
Wether tent or McMansion . . .I'm sure he could raise it with our help. ;)

Help? Nothin' like a community effort ;)

Hey! :eek: Where'd you get that Avy! Are the pics from Corporate Warriors out? Dammit...

I would say green...



(Click the thumbnail for the full-size image. His eyes look very green despite wearing a blue shirt.)
I can't type...first picture... Oh Jesus on a hot tin roof! *thud*

Yeah, that first picture. :devil: That has got to be the sexiest thing I have ever seen. And it sure does inspire me to get back to work on my fanfiction.
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