G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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fruitbat, since ranma was asking for the story. . .send it to her, will you? :)

So, Ranma. . .what did you think? I always welcome a good review... :D

This thread is evil. Evil I tell you. I was supposed to google for some Physics experiments. I ended up laughing my butt of the posts. Gary is teh hotness!

Oh, I'm wynter126 by the way. I also go by the name of csi_miamie126 over at Sinise Daily.

The prayer! Whoever made that prayer is a genius.

How do you join the church of Sinise? Is there some ritual involved?

Heck, if it involves Gary, let me in.

I actually postrd this in the wrong thread. See what pictures and discussions of Gary do to you?

Please post more Gary lovin... *whimper*
I won't even begin to tell you where my mind went. I can think of a ritual I wouldn't mind performing with Gary.

Ohh your mind is SO in the gutter. :eek: Its so nice to have some company. :devil: :devil: :devil:
Angry Mac is sexy....like the way he was at the end of "Zoo York" Lovesick Mac with Stella is hot too!

PS: Wynter126 ....I LOVVVVVEEEEE your banner sooo much!!!
Oh there is always room for more. I alway knew I wasnt the only one with :devil: :devil: toughts of our sexy guy.
Always room for one more in the gutter. I just built myself a nice little cabin down there. Big screen TV, showing all Gary, all the time. Feel free to drop by.
I used to only live PT in the gutter with my Sinise shrine. Now thanks to you guys, I'm building a fricken McMansion in the damn thing.

:) I'm so grateful.

Welcome to the neighborhood! :lol: It's oh so lovely down here in the gutter. Reminds me of an Oscar Wilde quote. We are, all of us, in the gutter. But some of us are looking at the stars.
Oh look! He's got his work gloves on:


And he's packed up his tools:


He's ready to help us build that McMansion in the gutter! :lol:

After all, we could use a strong lad like him, couldn't we? :D

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