G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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ranma, I'm not crazy about "Mission to Mars." It's one of his worst movies and a terrible waste of not only his talent but also Tim Robbins and Don Cheadle. It's cheesy, but not in a good way like "Impostor." I'd recommend renting it first, then deciding whether it's worth buying. I do own it but I never watch it.

Oh, and did I mention he keeps his shirt on the whole movie? WTF?
ranma, I'm not crazy about "Mission to Mars." It's one of his worst movies and a terrible waste of not only his talent but also Tim Robbins and Don Cheadle. It's cheesy, but not in a good way like "Impostor." I'd recommend renting it first, then deciding whether it's worth buying. I do own it but I never watch it.

Oh, and did I mention he keeps his shirt on the whole movie? WTF?

That is wrong on so many levels. A damn good reason not to watch the movie :lol:!
I know!!! Do they seriously think I would have not only bought "Impostor" but recommended it to all my friends if not for the shower scene?

I only bought "Mission to Mars" to be a completist -- I never watch it. But I do watch "Impostor." Especially the first 5 minutes. Yeah baby yeah.

The love scene...

... followed by the shower scene.

Just don't ask me what the rest of the movie's about. I'll let you know when I get around to watching it...
The first 5 minutes is the only part that gets watched in this household. Madeline, you lucky, lucky woman!
What just the first five minutes?

Just the first five minutes....then you miss all the fun stuff from laiter on .....the interogation the runing the halucinations the running.....sweaty Gary.....helpless Gary....erm scuse me bad girl just this image of Gary tied up :devil: :devil: .......somehow I cant wipe the smile of my face.......OK now I need to go dig imposter out and watch it again..... :devil: :eek: :eek:


Hopeless Mac Fan
Yes, there's one hell of a shower scene. Check out some of the links that sMacdown has posted on the first page of this thread and also in the "Character Eye Colors" thread. I'm sure she's slipped one or two screen caps of the scene in at some point. ;)
OH yeah. Slippery as a soap. :lol:

Anyhoo I realised when I watched it, if the camera had been lowed for 3 or 4 inches in that Imposter movie, We would have seen the whole thing! :eek: Damn directors. :( :D
Thanks for all the feedback re Mission to Mars. I'll take your advice, sMacdown. No shirtless scenes, eh? Rats.
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