G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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i´m sorry, i just have to scroll up and down all the time to see that fab pic. i´m in no state to contribute anything to this conversation. :D it took me like 10min to write this up...
Isn't it delicious? Sweaty!Gary is always worth a second, third and fourth look. The concert almost did me in, in that he was sweaty for four hours while playing his gorgeous bass guitar. :D
My mom was testing some things on her photo printer and decided to print this picture. The first thing she said when she handed it to me was "Wow, he's uh, sweaty, isn't he?" I was just "Yeah...*drool*"
Just read this: http://www.csifiles.com/news/120705_02.shtml

Meh. The new character just smacks of cliches. It could only be worse if she were from, say, CSI: Tupelo. "Hey y'all! I'm new here! Let's solve some dog-gone crimes, y'hear?"

It's obvious how the season premiere will go: Mac is dubious of her skills and acting grouchy. (That's the only upside -- pissy Mac.) And then she'll do something spectacular and earn his grudging respect. Aside from the scientific mumbo-jumbo even I could write that script in my sleep.

Except in my version, Mac picks up some floozie and brings her back to the fishbowl office and shags her on the desk the night before moving to his new office. Boxes and masking tape fly everywhere. Oh, and the picture of Reagan gets knocked off the desk and smashed irreparably.

Anyway, over at the Gary Sinise Discussion Board, I wrote a memo about the direction I'd like to see the show take in season 2:

Memo to Anthony Zuiker et al:


By now you doubtless have received the many memos that we here at the Gary Sinise Discussion Board have sent you in regard to Gary's wardrobe faux pas in season one. (To wit: Clothes -- he wears too many of them.)

But as wives, mothers, employees and college students we understand the reality of budgeting, and we recognize that you've probably spent a pretty penny on the new sets. So we suggest a compromise.

Don't spend money on buying Gary a new wardrobe. Just let him shed approximately three-quarters of what he wore on any given episode in season one. Pants. He can wear pants so the censors don't yank the show. (Make sure they're tight though, and flat-panel. Baby looks pudgy in pleats.) And he can wear shoes so he doesn't step on a hypodermic needle left over from Vanessa Ferlito's collagen injections. But everything else must go.

And one more suggestion: Before he moves out of the terrarium office forever, let Mac have a hot 'n' horny one-night-stand with a floozie (perhaps a guest star -- perhaps a "real life person" instead of some over-priced extra with a SAG card. Contact me privately at this e-mail address for names and numbers.) I think this would go a long way toward character development. You know, angsty Mac throws off the shackles of widowhood by getting a lap lambada. It would be a stunning season opener, sure to grab ratings. Especially if you disregard my earlier suggestion and let him lose the pants too.

As always, I tell you these things because I care. I care a lot.

Regards etc. etc.

There. Now the only question is, if I actually send it, will they have me arrested for harassment? :lol:
The new character just smacks of cliches.

You read my mind. Summer? What kind of name is that?

Love the memo! I think maybe they were trying in the season finale to meet our requests, what with him whipping off his shirt to stop the waitress' blood, but that undershirt just ruined things. Tsk tsk.

By the way, can I audition for the role of Floozie #1? They wouldn't even have to pay me. :lol:

Oh, and for those interested, the Gary Sinise Discussion Board is located here.
As do we all! ;) He's a delicious blend of talent and modesty mixed with his desire to bring good to the world and a healthy dose of sex. It's quite easy to like him.
It is. I heart him for wanting to bring a healthy dose of good sex to the world.

Oh wait. That's not quite what you said, is it?

I like mine better.
By the way, can I audition for the role of Floozie #1? They wouldn't even have to pay me. :lol:

Can I be Floozie #2? I'm willing to pay them.

New characters eh? Does she die like Holly in LV? Oh well, as long as she doesn't bother the Mac-Stella dynamic, I'm just gonna have to grin and bear it.

And WTG! to the memo. I'm willing to attach my name to it if you think it'll help.

That picture did me in. I'm too willing to do anything for him now.
Wow that picture is probably the best thing i have seen since... well in a while!!! After seeing that picture I agree with the memo totally, less clothing for season 2!! :devil:
For some reason, I'm not really agreeing with the changes they're going to bring in for the second season. Oh well, we'll see.

lol. As far as I'm concerned, we're ALL Floozies. Heh.
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