G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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both of them are hot...gary seems comfortable with the photographers...he just stand there and he is soooo nice..so do carmine.. ;)
I hope that TPTB will think of some way to get Mac dressed casually this season. Heck, all the guys need to dress down for a bit and lose the suits and ties!
^the problem is can they?I mean in their job they can go with jeans a tshirt and converse..? :eek: :lol:but it would be nice if we see them more relaxed and casual.. :rolleyes:
Well, we've seen Mac in sweats & T-shirt on at least a couple occasions, in the S1 Finale What You See is What You See, and of course in the infamous (amongst Mac fans!) katana scene in Corporate Warriors... :p If we don't get our shower scene, at least a few more scenes this season with Mac in Tshirt & sweats? Or a nice-fitting pair of worn, faded jeans? Please? :D
*drool* You make me eagerly await those episodes. And I love your avvi :)

I'd rather he just be wearing a towel, but tight jeans or sweats work nicely too :)
Did someone mention Mac in the Katana scene? God, I love that. That black T-Shirt. The sword. The sweat. It just doesn't get any better than that.


Special thanks go to Past My Shoulder for the lovely image of a katana wielding Mac. :devil:
Oooooooh man, pics of the Katana Scene... *drool* Now you're talking my language! I found that entire scene quite...riviting :lol: The way he softly talked his way through with Lindsay on how to handle the sword, then suddenly Wham! he shows her what damage it can do... *whew*! (Well, that scene did some mighty fine damage to me, that's for sure!) :D
The katana scene is one of my favorites. To be honest, I can't remember anything else that went on during that episode. All I remember is the black shirt, the katana, and a sweaty Mac. *sighs* God, please let that be what heaven is like.
I love Katana Mac! :D *dreamy sigh* Great pictures! I love the pic with him and Carmine too!

Great finds ranma and GoodLittleWench!
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