G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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MBGrissom said:
Yes athens, there is a Silly Gary across the picture... if you look at the expression on his face close up, you'll see why! :lol: I'd love to know the story behind that one!

I would too! Wonder if google knows, :lol:
Silly Gary indeedy :lol:

I dunno what the story behind this one is, though. I'll have to ask the owner of the picture first.

But man, look at that neck!

Nice thighs, too! Although I must say, that reddish stripey thing going right across his... *ahem* Well, that horizontal stripe across his pants is rather distracting, to say the least... :lol:
I didn't even notice the red stripe until you mentioned it. *smacks forehead* I was too busy thinking about licking the sweat off his....ummmm.....neck. :devil:
*nods* He needs a fire hose close by at all times.

Hey we're past 1000...do we get a new thread and a new"name? What should it be?

"Garyholics Anonymous"
"We're The Fangirls and We're Gary Addicts"
"This Way To Cold Showers"
"Five Alarm Hotness" (I like that one)

Someone else can probably do better.
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