G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Thanks guys for the warm welcome. It's nice to know that I am not alone. This Friday "Mission To Mars" is on TV here. Any good?
I was cursing my local TV station for pre-empting the S2 premiere to show a soccer match (as we hadn't suffered enough with 4 wks of wall to wall world cup, grrrr) until I realized that it freed me up to watch Snake Eyes.

I was writing an email while watching, and mentioned in it that I hoped GS's character wasn't going to end up bad and/or dead.
and then five minutes later he's revealed as the baddie, doh! and then at the end of the movie he's dead (sobs)

Loved the movie though, and Gary especially <g>
daantje said:
This Friday "Mission To Mars" is on TV here. Any good?

daantje, MtM is one of Gary's more...unusual movies, for want of a less charitable term :lol: If you're a Gary fan you'll probably get a kick out of it (if even just to see his funky hairdo and eyeliner *giggle*) But it's certainly not the same quality as many of his other flicks, i.e. Of Mice & Men (riveting, heart wrenching, and he both directed & starred), Forrest Gump, George Wallace, Apollo 13, etc. But if you have nothing else scheduled at the time the movie is on, I would say watch it. It is Gary, after all... :p

*is contemplating calling the security for Lynn & Mel*
*raises eyebrow at Ranma* As long as he's security, you can call it all day long :lol: *glares at Mel* Mine!
*glares at both Mel and Lynn* ... Ladies, I don't want to be security for you two off of Lynn's boards as well.

^_^ Don't worry, Ranma, security is already here.

*finds a black leather dog collar for Gary and steals him away* Mine~~!
Actually, I was attempting to show Gary was the one *thinking* of calling that security thing with the photo :lol:

Obviously, my captioning-powers are shot to hell, hahahaha.

Can it be a wafer-thin dog collar Shuri? Wouldn't want to bruise that thick, juicy neck.
:devil: Well.. I won't have it tight, but tight enough.

:lol: Actually, that has two meanings. Using the 'collar'. :D I must say, I love the gutter. *whistles* Thick, juicy neck, that's for sure! :devil:
^Ahhh Securitys here! *runs and sneaks pass with Gary*

Ah, the gutter, Wonderful place to live, don't ya think? .. Thick, Juicy Neck! Yum!
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