G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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There was something put together that was done by a soldier, and he read it out at the memorial. He was a good choice to do that because of his work. Anyways, back to what I was saying. He read off what that soldier had said and he poured his heart and soul into it. He was crying, most of the audience was crying, mom and I were crying..

He did such a good job T___T It was very powerful.
Awww...I missed that part, I only saw the last 20 minutes.

I going to see if the local PBS is going to re-air it, I really wanted to see the whole thing.
I really emjoyed it too, and definately saw the emotion there. You can really see his devotion to his cause with things like this. He was looking great as usual too.
Waaaaah! I missed it! I planned on taping it, since I knew I wouldn't be home, but my friends picked me up earlier than I expected, and I forgot to pop in the tape. Poop!!! Can't believe I missed it *grumble grumble* Geez, I would love it if PBS reran it. I know they often sell dvds/tapes of certain shows, I wonder (*crosses fingers*) if they would, with this one? It's a concert/show that I try and catch every year, it's always so beautiful and emotional, and I'm seriously disappointed that I had a brain fart and forgot to pop in a tape. :(
I managed to talk my dad into watching that instead of Stargate reruns. Go me!! I got to watch the whole thing, it was amazing. Gary was sooo wonderful, after the speeches he and the lady who did the other speech went and hugged the people whos words they had read. That was the best moment in the entire show. I really hope someone gets screencaps up. The whole show was just awesome.
Anyone who missed it (like me!), check your local PBS listings! I know some folks are getting an afternoon rerun today, and I noticed that here in my area, it's re-running it it's entirety at 9-10:30pm CST.
I know its been asked before but anybody manage to get any screen caps at all? *sits in the poor little Aussie corner and waits*
I taped it Tink, but I can't do screencaps, I'm a total techno-doofus... :( But when Gary read the letter from the soldier *sob* What a powerful, moving piece, all the letters read. And Gary was looking mighty handsome as usual, I must say. He looked very "Mac-ish" in his navy suit... I'm sure some talented folks will do some screen caps. *insert beseeching puppy-eyes emoticon here* :)
The local PBS replayed it at 12 last night so I stayed up to watch it. It was great, the whole thing was a beautiful tribute and all the readings really got me.

I just love Gary's dedication. Its what I love most about him.
I don't know what more he can do to make me love him more. Eep, did that make sense?

I love LOVE LOVE these parts:

Watching the TV and radio personalities ask essentially the same questions over and over so that they could get their voices along with his responses brings a realization of just how very generous this movie star has been with his time, talent and energy.

And then there's this:

He receives no honorarium for the performances, either. In fact, USO's Harvey believed that Sinise paid for his band to tour.

Wow. Just wow.
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