G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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All you Fellow Gary Fans, just a heads up, in case you don't already know: He'll be co-hosting the annual National Memorial Day Concert, Sunday 7pm CST on PBS... just another great reason to tune into what is always a heartfelt, beautiful concert.
Hi guys,
I am new to this board but some of you may know me from Sinise Daily LJ and Gary Sinise Central I'm Tink (yes that is my real name)lol..I realise that it is kinda early in the friendship to make a request but I have been driving myself insane trying to find an image of Gary i saw some time ago..
I think it is from a Japanese Magazine and It had Gary standing there in a pale suit, I think, and he had really really short hair, I've only seen it once and my computer crashed so I lost it *sob* Anybody able to help out? Thanks in advance Tink :)
Hi Tink, and welcome! *waves* (I do know you from Gary Sinise Central, I'm MBKMAC, over there!) Sorry though, can't help you with your request, haven't seen the photo... :(
Hi MBKMAC yeah I now you *points finger*, your the one who crushes little fantasies LMAO :p(remembers the 'Things you want to see/hear' thread on GSC) Aigrover found it for me and posted it on Gary Sinise Central..
Thanks Tink
Hi Tink, I'm not sure if I remember you or not but I'm on both GSC and Sinise_Daily. (StuRedmanLvr and Buffyangellvr23 are my names on the lists repsectively)
Hi Tink!

I owe you my love and kisses coz you posted the links to the original picture of my sex-ay icon at Daily :D (I'm thefirthyone in LJ)

Glad you found the picture!

*heads out to the Central*
No worries ranma and yupp I've seen you floating around LJ and StuRedmanLvr is extremely familiar I look forward to posting often and drooling even more :)
Aaaaw Tink, I didn't mean to squash your fantasy! We can share him! :D
Glad someone found your piccie for you!

*scampers off to GS Central to check it out*
I'm so happy today *dances around weirdly* I went out (translation:was dragged out by my mom) yard saleing (no it's not a real word) with mom & sis and found a yard sale with tons of movies. I picked up The Green Mile and Ransom!! I ALMOST got Apollo 13, but nooo my sisers hubby is gonna get it for his b-day, and he won't enjoy the Gary parts nearly as much as I would :( . Still, 2 out of 3 isn't bad :D
Ahhh...I just bought Of Mice and Men the other day (finally), can't wait to watch it on our nice big screen t.v. :)
Heads up--Gary is hosting the USO Memorial Day concert tonight and it will be broadcast on PBS! Check your local listings. :cool:
Some of your sunday newspapers might have Gary on the TV guide cover...or maybe it's just a Chicago thing. But it's yummy, anyway. There was also a pic of him inside the front page of USA Weekend, the magazine some papers carry.

What was with the glasses, when does he wear them?
I think those glasses are from a pic of him at the emmys, I have it on my computer, and I think it's posted somewhere over at GS daily

here, all we got was a small pic inside :(
Whut? Why? You must tell us more, please! 0_o

*from the corner of the world where the Garyshine will probably never be*
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