G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Well, according to Sinise_Daily it's from this site and it doesn't say anything if it's movie-related or not (I'm thinking not)

Quoting aljomom:

According to its web site, Jed Root Inc. "is a New York-based agency that provides leading fashion photographers, stylists, and hair and makeup artists to various clients within the fashion industry."
^Your icon is sexy :devil:. I just watched Gary in Snake Eyes recently and I must say that he was smoking hot in that film. However, he was best in Forest Gump :devil:.
Aaaagh! Barbarella, I am soooooo jealous! Think you could sneak me in? I could be....um, I could be your bodyguard. That's right, they let bodyguards in free, don't they? :D Or I could tell them that I'm officially in charge of all of Gary's costume changes... heh. :)
I'll see what sort of interesting story I can manage to come back with. :D Won't be any pics though I don't think - the casino here is pretty strict about the 'no camera' policy. (Hmmm....maybe if I wear my Fruvous tour shirt that just says "Your New Girlfriend" on the front, Gary will take a hint...)
Dang, no cameras? For real? :(

As for the shirts, well, we can always have one made, can't we? :D (If the need ever arises, I'll make one that says: Gary Sinise Fangirl)

Oh and jorja, that *is* one seriously sexy picture, isn't it?
Too bad you can't just write a mesasge on your chest, like those football guys. ROFL

*pictures a group of us there with WE (heart) G A R Y letters on our chests*
Caroline_Prince said:
Here are some truly gorgeous pics of Gary I found here

Thanks for the link! Great article :) Not a "star" indeed, when even my sister (who gives very little attention to Hollywood) now wants to watch CSI coz she thinks Gary is very good in villainy roles.

He has such a rich history acting-wise yet he remains humble about it. *sigh*
Anyone watch the country music awards tonight? My mom was the one watching but they had a lovely Gary PSA for CBS Cares, something with the troops.

He looked yummy as ever and I kinda wonder if they filmed that after an ep 'cause he kinda looked like he was in his Mac outfit to me.
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