G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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Yup it's Open Season an animated comedy like Ice Ace 2 I think he provides his voice for one of the caracters. Along with Aston Kutcher :) Its out in October over here in the UK but I don't know about anywhere else
Because my Gary-lurve has been reaching new heights lately, I wanted to post my absolute favorite Gary pic. I got this off Sinise_Daily over at LJ:

Man, he's just friggin' smoking on this one. I can almost feel the heat he's emitting. Demmit.

What's your favorite Gary pic?
My (female) cousin just said to me (whilst making icing for a cake) "I just took a nibble because it looked good."

Is it wrong that my first though was "mmm, neck porn"?
Of course I'm sure it is wrong that I'm 30 years younger than he is hmmm, rehab anyone?
Rehab? Do you realy want to kick the habbit.


I mean its such a lovely adiction. And such a biteable neck......*thud*
Yeah, really, what you really need is encouragment to keep the habit hehehe

I'd like to nibble his neck but I'd also like him to nibble mine <g>
Well, that's what you guys are for, to keep me off the wagon!

Mmm, Mel23, you're not the only one.

Just a question to all the Gary fans here, how old are ya'll (yes, I'm southern!)? I'm gonna be 21 (in 2 weeks).
I just turned 30. Gah!

Did someone say neck porn? :devil:


I posted my absolute favorite Gary pic upthread. Well, here's another one veryclose to it (being my favorite, I mean)

I just turned 18 a few weeks ago.

I got my favorite pic of Gary jammin the bass on my wall. But I don't know how to post it.
I just finished watching Ransom on tv a few minutes ago and I must say he was extremely sexy in it. I loved his hair colour and the way he held a gun was really, really hot!
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